Plugins and Add-ons: H5P Learning Progress
Dear H5P-Users, I have a - probably - very simple question:When I understood the Plugin right, it is designed to give the results of an H5P-Module to the ILIAS-System.But actually I can't find any...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Default creation permissions for plugin-provided...
Hi,on our ILIAS installation, we use the BigBlueButton and the H5P plugin. We are currently facing the problem that courses (Kurse) and groups (Gruppen) don't allow creation of content provided by...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Limiting amount of emails going out
Hi there!Many emails going out from the system at the same time (or within a short time span) can be a problem and often are in practice. Sending too many emails at a time will almost for sure cause in...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): How to correctly install...
Hi!ILIAS 6 doesn’t work with Composer 1.10.x. It works with 1.9.3. (Unfortunatelly I haven’t noted down where I got this information from, and I just can’t find it again with Google.)So, try:`sudo php...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Default creation permissions for plugin-provided...
Mike,have you only changed the permissions in the course role and group role templates? Or also in the roles of already existing courses and groups. If you just change the templates (in Administration...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Default creation permissions for plugin-provided...
Hi Matthias,I updated the course/group admin role templates as well as the course/group admin roles (and also clicked the "apply to existing objects" check box in the permission block for the...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Default creation permissions for plugin-provided...
Hi Mike, create permissions always belong to the (parent) container object and not to the object‘s permissions. You need to have the permission to create a certain object type in a container like a...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): Re (2): Re (2): Error...
Glad to hear that, thx for providing some summary here. Always nice to here how thing turn out ;-).Happy working with ILIAS!
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Authentifizierung per OpenIDConnect
Hallo,wir würden gern ILIAS an ein Berechtigungsmanagementsystem (BMM) anbinden, Dort stehen die beiden Protokolle OpenIDConnect und SAML zur Verfügung. Beides ist auch in ILIAS 6 als...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Default creation permissions for plugin-provided...
Matthias, thanks for your help. Much appreciated. Your blog post provided the proper guidelines to fix my woes.And, I fully agree on the powerfulness of the ILIAS role model. Very good work. Very good...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Propagate site's default mail settings...
Hi,here is another challenge we faced with ILIAS. I have been (co-)administrating a school's ILIAS for a while now and we recently wanted to enforce a mail setting for all users: delivery of mail to an...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Limiting amount of emails going out
ILIAS does not have such an option. Mails are always sent immediately by the application. However, ILIAS does not send the mails itself. It relies on a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) to do that (sendmail,...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Limiting amount of emails...
Thank you for your explanations.As I mentioned, I know (and use) ssmtp (Note the double "s"), which basically acts as a simple mail client to execute the actual mailing on a third party MTA.ZitatI...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Selbstregistrierung mit...
Hallo zusammen, ich nutze die Registrierung mittels Registrierungscodes (ILIAS-Auth). DIe Zuordnung zu Gruppen, Kursen und Lernsequenzen ist kein Problem, aber ist eine automatische Zuordnung zu...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: [ILIAS6.3] - Customizing Footer and...
Hello,we want to migrate ILIAS 5.4 to Version 6.3For this i upgraded the Staging Environment. With the new Version i need to reconfigure the Customising again.For this i created a new SKIN and...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Authentifizierung per OpenIDConnect
Im Feature Wiki gibt es aktuell nur zwei Einträge zu OpenID Connect. Sie werden ziemlich abschliessend beschreiben, was es bisher leisten können sollte.Ab ILIAS 5.4Ab ILIAS 7.0Vielleicht kannst du...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): How to correctly install...
Hi!I got an error related composer install:\(PHP Fatal error: Trait 'ILIAS\GlobalScreen\Scope\ComponentDecoratorTrait' not found in...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Dashboard und Menü anpassen
Guten Tag,ich muss einen eingenen Skin für eine ILIAS 6 Installation erstellen. Neben Anpassungen der Login Seite sollen auch das Menü und das Dashboard angepasst werden. Die Identifikation des...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Dashboard und Menü anpassen
Hi alschroederBezüglich Skinning finden lassen sich Grundlagen hier finden: . Dort wird auch die Anpassung für einige...
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: Stellenangbot DHBW Karlsruhe...
Liebe Community,ab Ende April haben wir an der DHBW Karlsruhe im Anwendungszentrum Elearning befristet eine Stelle im Rahmen einer Mutteschutzvertretung mit ggf. anschließender Elternzeitvertretung...
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