Didactic Template Forum: Using Multiple Global Roles in one Didactic Template
Hallo Florian,Entschuldige bitte die späte Antwort.Ich werde nochmal auf Deutsch versuchen unser Problem darzustellen.Wir haben folgendes Szenario bei unseren Test Objekten:-Wir nutzen keine...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Re (2): Re (2): Error when...
"Maybe some issues will be resolved by upgrading...."They did :) I made a full backup with Plesk Onyx, deleted the whole server instance and set up a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 with Plesk Obsidian. Then...
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: WANTED - E-Learning SpezialistIn im schönen...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: LDAP salutation mapping
Hello,is there any way to define a custom mapping for the salutation?In my case the salutation is in a field in the LDAP user object, only that has a different value than ILIAS obviously wants it to...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Survey - Voting to improve bbb-plugin
Dear All,we would like to know about improvements for bbb-plugin,in 3 minutes you can give you re opinion about proposals to improve here:https://docu.ilias.de/goto_docu_svy_9808.htmlThanks in...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Survey - Voting to improve bbb-plugin
Dear All,we would like to know about improvements for bbb-plugin,in 3 minutes you can give you re opinion about proposals to improve here:https://docu.ilias.de/goto_docu_svy_9808.htmlThanks in...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Meine Erfahrung mit DMS Solution
Hallo zusammen, ich hatte vor 10 Jahren hier ein Konto , aber irgendwie konnte ich es jetzt wo ich bedarf hab nicht mehr reaktivieren. Also geneigter ILIAS Poweruser bin ich und auf der Suche nach...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Fragen
Hallo eine Verständnisfrage: Ist das in Azure Active Directory ? Die OU Strukture sieht nach einem selbstgehosteten Active Directory aus. Wurde das mit Microsoft Bordmitteln umgesetzt?Ich hätte...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Bearbeitungszeit bei Test wird in der...
Hallo zusammen,ich habe auf einem CentOS8 Server Ilias v6 installiert, klappt auch alles soweit - jedoch wird in der Auswertung/Statistik die Bearbeitungszeit nicht erfasst(?) bzw mit 00:00:00...
View ArticleILIAS Developers: how can we controll the slate?
hello together,in our ILIAS instance we have a category where we include with a custom plugin a video system.for this category we want the same slate behaivor the dashboard offering. that means when...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Survey - Voting to improve bbb-plugin:...
Hello,I just wanted to use your survey, but I guess it is offline now.Maybe I'll still find some help here.When I am using bbb directly I can edit the room settings (see screenshot). But in ILIAS I can...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: ILIAS 6 - make main menu entry public
hello together,how can i make the bulky main menu-icon/entry (like magazin or custom link) also visible without login?
View ArticleILIAS Developers: how can we controll the slate?
Would the change we have decided here:https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=29319already cover your use case?
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Survey - Voting to improve bbb-plugin:...
Hello Anja Bird,I had added you to the group: SIG virtual classroom, you can access and use the survey now....Only members of the group can be part of the the survey.Anyway, thank you for you re idea!...
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: Instructional Designer*in für virtuelle...
Instructional Designer*in für virtuelle Lernszenarien (w/m/d)(Teilzeit 50%, je nach den persönlichen Voraussetzungen bis E 13 TV-L)Kennziffer 2021/013. Die Stelle ist ab dem 01.04.2021 oder zum...
View ArticleILIAS Developers: how can we controll the slate?
Yes the "Jour Fixe, 08 FEB 2021" outcome sounds good and will solve this issue.thank you for your work!(another topic related to this bulky link menu-icon is how we can make this links visible without...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: How to correctly install composer for...
Hi,can someone give me advice how do i correctly install composer for ILIAS 6?what i did so far:`sudo php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer``php /usr/local/bin...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: err_too_many_redirects after install,...
Hi all,after install, but before setup I'm blocked from going any further due to not being able to access /setup/setup.phpWhat I'm getting (checked using curl -svILk http://hostname/setup/setup.php) is...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Live alerts/ notifications
Hi,we are facing the following situation:Multiple examinations are written in parallel, led by multiple examiners.One examiner detects an error in their question and would like to send a message to all...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: How to correctly install composer...
After several tries i get even more errors with composer.Latest error i get is:"Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content."Can someone share a routine...
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