I got an error related composer install:
\(PHP Fatal error: Trait 'ILIAS\GlobalScreen\Scope\ComponentDecoratorTrait' not found in /var/www/html/ilias/src/GlobalScreen/Scope/MainMenu/Factory/AbstractBaseItem.php on line 14 Script php setup/cli.php build-artifacts --yes handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255\)
I'm running composer 2.0.9 on a fresh Debian Buster installation, php 7.3 ILIAS 6, I can complete ilias first configuration via webui but when I try to first login I get /error.php page:
\(include(Services/GlobalScreen/artifacts/global_screen_providers.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory\)
how can I fix it?
Thanks in advance
I got an error related composer install:
\(PHP Fatal error: Trait 'ILIAS\GlobalScreen\Scope\ComponentDecoratorTrait' not found in /var/www/html/ilias/src/GlobalScreen/Scope/MainMenu/Factory/AbstractBaseItem.php on line 14 Script php setup/cli.php build-artifacts --yes handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255\)
I'm running composer 2.0.9 on a fresh Debian Buster installation, php 7.3 ILIAS 6, I can complete ilias first configuration via webui but when I try to first login I get /error.php page:
\(include(Services/GlobalScreen/artifacts/global_screen_providers.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory\)
how can I fix it?
Thanks in advance