Plugins and Add-ons: plug in for drag & drop tests?
Sounds interesting. Could you post the Youtube-link?
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: plug in for drag & drop tests?
sure, here it is:
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Import SCORM packages e.g. from, not...
Hey there, I am still a bit at odds with SCORM modules in Ilias, but willing to give it further tries...Now, I faced another challenge: I would like to add a nice learning app as a test (using SCORM)...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): /ilias_data/temp
Aktueller Stand für alle die hier auch über die Suche landen, es gibt inzwischen einen Feature Request:
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: changing data in "Personal Data and...
Hallo an alle,after concluding a test (or a course) with a certificate our course members changing their personal profile (for example changing the place of birth) printing again their certificate, the...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: login via custom bearer token possible?
Hello, we are using ILIAS 6.5 2020-10-23 and would like to integrate it with an inhouse web application. Our users authenticate against this system and we would like to enable them to directly jump...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: changing data in "Personal Data...
Hi Stefan, yes in 5.4 with the persisting certificates when you change person information it doesn't update the certificate. What we've been doing internally is just modifying the database record it...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Querying Ilias for a personal project?
Hello,I was thinking about a personal software project which involes querying data from Ilias, meaning I would like to query all courses for which a specific user is signed up to. This project is not...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Querying Ilias for a personal project?
You can enable ilias soap administration under Administration -> General Settings -> Server -> Soap subtab.With this enabled you can now hit the ilias SOAP server, you can find a list of...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: interaktives Video unter ILIAS 6.5
Moin,ich habe folgendes Aufgabenstellung: Es sollen interaktive Videos mit Untertiteln (Mehrsprachig, also mehrere auswählbare Spuren) eingesetzt werden.ILIAS 6.5 (branch "release_6")Plugin...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: interaktives Video unter ILIAS 6.5
Hallo!Ich habe zwar noch nicht interaktiven Videos gearbeitet, kenne aber einige der von Dir genannten Probleme. Ich versuche mal, einige Tipps aus meiner Erfahrung zu formulieren:.vtt Dateien kann man...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: interaktives Video unter ILIAS 6.5
Danke für die Infos. Tatsächlich habe ich die Probleme bei "normalen" Videos nicht, sondern nur bei interaktiven Videos des Plug-Ins von Databay AG. Hier werden .vtt Dateien erwartet, allerdings klappt...
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie:...
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDas SCC ist das Zentrum für Informationstechnologie (IT) des KIT. Das SCC verbindet Aufgaben in Forschung, Lehre und Innovation und nimmt Serviceleistungen für die digitale...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Sorting repository tree in the repository
Hello there,I was wondering how the elements are sorted in the repository sidebar (Baumansicht im Magazin)? Alphabetically, by ID, by creation date?Is there a way to change the order of these elements...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Einsatz des LTI Consumer Plugins um den...
Hallo Allerseits,das Plugin benötigt eine LTI-Quelle.Kann diese LTI-Quelle auch z.B. ein Video aus einem ILIAS-Medienpool sein?Der Hintergrund wäre ein Video als Kursteil mit...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Einsatz des LTI Consumer Plugins um den...
Hallo Dietrich,ILIAS bietet nur die folgenen LTI-Quellen an: Kurs, Gruppe, ILIAS-Lernmodul, SCORM-Lermodul, Umfrage, Test. Das Video wäre zwar als Kursbestandteil möglich, kann aber nicht selbst...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Einsatz des LTI Consumer Plugins um den...
Hallo Fred,vielen Dank für die Antwort.Mittlerweile bin ich beim InteractiveVideo Plugin von Databay gelandet. Das Plugin stellt einen neuen Objekttyp "Interaktives Video" zur Verfügung, das auch einen...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Problem in ilias6 Installation
Ich treffe ein Problem bei ilias6 Installation. Wenn ich in ilias Verzeichnis das composer install --no-dev ausführe, bekommen ich den Fehler: PHP Fatal error: Trait...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: SAML Azure AD
Hi,I'm trying to configure a SAML Authentication with ILIAS 5.4 and Azure AD, but the documentation does not really help me to get this working.On the Azure AD side I have an enterprise application,...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Formula of mathematical operators in...
I am looking for a reference of formula how to configure the Data Collection.Scenario is as follows;There are several fields in table such as incident year, costs, type of device and etc..I would like...
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