Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Ilias 6 oder 7?
Guten Tag,danke für die Information.Des Weiteren hätte ich noch die Frage, ob das web interface setup/setup.php in ILIAS 6 schon entfernt worden ist und ob die cli-Applikation dort auch schon benutzt...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Virenscan passwortgeschützter Datei...
[Ilias v6.8, Sophos free für Linux, v9.16]Hallo,wir nutzen Ilias schon länger zusammen mit der freien version des Sophos-Virenscanners für Linux. Aktuell laufen wir in folgendes Problem:Es soll eine...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Ilias 6 oder 7?
Zitat (QuangN) Des Weiteren hätte ich noch die Frage, ob das web interface setup/setup.php in ILIAS 6 schon entfernt worden ist und ob die cli-Applikation dort auch schon benutzt werden muss.ILIAS 6...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: PHP-Dateien im Apache Webserver nicht...
Guten Tag ILIAS-Community,ich installiere momentan ILIAS 6 auf einer virtuellen Maschine worauf Debian/Linux läuft. Ich bin der offiziellen Anleitung auf der Homepage gefolgt und habe bereits folgendes...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Read-only mode access for ILIAS
I need to configure an old installation (version 5.3) in query only (read only: users will not be able to modify anything, only consult their courses, regardless of their ilias ROLE)). I suppose that...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Database can't be reached. Please...
Dear Ilias-Community,i have already read some threads about this topic but couldn't find a solution for myself.While Creating a new ILIAS-Client it says:"Database can't be reached. Please check the...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: ILIAS Fehlercodes zu Fehlermeldung...
Moin zusammen,Gibt es eine Möglichkeit bzw. tool/plugin die, die ILIAS Fehlercodes z.B. Fehler lf021_2141 ist aufgetreten zu Fehlermeldung zu kovertieren?zu mindest bei bekannten Probleme wie:...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Database can't be reached. Please...
Zitat (Dominiko)Furthermore i am able to log into mysql client via linux terminal (mysql -u root -p ilias). But unfortunately the ILIAS-Setup-Client can't find my database.Which ILIAS and MySQL/MariaDB...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: ILIAS Fehlercodes zu Fehlermeldung...
Zitat (Fadi Asbih (Fadi)) Gibt es eine Möglichkeit bzw. tool/plugin die, die ILIAS Fehlercodes z.B. Fehler lf021_2141 ist aufgetreten zu Fehlermeldung zu kovertieren?Die Details zu den jeweiligen...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Meta Error for share Web
context 'external' already claimed in ilInitialisation:1305, second try inHello, my website, when I set it to appear on google today, unfortunately it closed and it gives the following warning, how can...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Meta Error for share Web
when i look my database my wrong word writing here,but how can i change do not know: ((tr_TR))<cell xid="544595" props="bot-attach:189; left-attach:2; right-attach:3; top-attach:188"><p...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Database can't be reached....
I am using MySQL Community Server 8.0.24on ILIAS 6
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Database can't be reached....
Meanwhile i was downgrading to Mysql-Version 5.7 but unfortunately the error remains.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Nginx Requirement for ILIAS7
At Wismar University we are using Apache for "decades". Because of that we are lacking experience and knowlegde in using nginx. Further, we are authenticating our members via shibboleth. So my...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Nginx Requirement for ILIAS7
We are using NginX as Apache replacement for a half a decade now. We also implement shibboleth authentication by using ILIAS SAML Feature with nginx. No additional Webserver/Modules or Software...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): Database can't be...
Every Time i try to connect to the database in the client-setup it says in the error.log:"... [Note] Access denied for user ' '@'localhost' (using password: NO)"Obviously it has something to do with...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Re (2): Database can't be...
Zitat (Dominiko) Every Time i try to connect to the database in the client-setup it says in the error.log:"... [Note] Access denied for user ' '@'localhost' (using password: NO)"Apparently the user...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): Re (2): Database can't...
i doublechecked the user table, but somehow the client is going for an anonymous user, although he doesn't exist in the table as you can see.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: ILIAS 7, PHP 8
What are the plans regarding ILIAS 7 and PHP 8? Will it be supported?Regards Manfred
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Re (2):...
Ich hatte zuletzt die selbe Problematik...External Email via smtp eingerichtet, Testmails funktionierten,manuelle Weiterleitung funktionierte - Email Benachrichtigung nach abgeschlossenem Test...
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