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Administration - Installation - Core: ILIAS 5.4 User E-Mails - "Sender E-Mail (From)" and "Sender Fullname (From)"


it's a little bit difficult for recipients to identify the sender of external ILIAS User E-Mails (SMTP).

There are to mandatory fields in User E-Mails configuration dialoge:
"Sender E-Mail (From)" : I put in the email adress of SMTP service account (lernwelten@ourdomain.de)
"Sender Fullname (From)": I put in variables [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME]

While at least the email adress of the user sending the email is automatically put into "reply-To" header it is possible to check the senders email adress by adding the related column in Outlook .
But it seems there is no way to display the name of the user ([FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME] Variables) in Outlook. Instead Outlook always displays the name of the SMTP service account (related to from-adress).

Does anybody have an idea how to comfortably identify sender of external ILIAS user emails?


Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): PostgreSQL Collation

Ich hoffe, es findet sich jemand, der davon etwas versteht und weiterhelfen kann. Es ist leider nicht meine Baustelle...

Administration - Installation - Core: ILIAS 543 "Hauptmenü" "Magazin"

Der Hauptmenüpunkt "Magazin" ist verschwunden, obwohl in Admin -> Hauptmenü gesetzt. (Wird "Schreibtisch" deaktiviert -> verschwindet "Schreibtisch", nach Aktivierung -> erscheint "Schreibtisch". Magazin wird aber nach Aktivierung nicht wieder angezeigt.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Problems migrating content.



I can also confirm that workaround. After downgrading to php 7.1.8, importing lessons now works.

 Thanks for the hint!



das kann ich ebenfalls bestätigen. Nach einem downgrade auf php 7.1.8 funktioniert das Importieren der Lerneinheiten jetzt.

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis!

Administration - Installation - Core: Alright to delete rbac_ua / object_data items for org roles in 5.3?


In 5.3 all org-data is dealt with in il_orgu_ua, was wondering if there would be any negative effect to deleting any org roles in object_data / assigments in rbac_ua as they're causing confusing with user roles assignments for our users.

(IE I added this user to this Organization, why doesn't it show up in their roles?)

Any thoughts / input would be great!

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Trying to Update since two days - I really need help.


You need to login into setup/setup.php and do 'update database' and apply 'hotfixes' after that.

Administration - Installation - Core: Authentifizierung - Shibboleth / schacPersonalUniqueCode


Wir haben bei uns Shibboleth als Authentifizierung methode eingestzt, wir bekommen alle Werte vom IdP richtig geliefert(uid, givenName, etc...) bis auf die Matrikelnummer.

Bei der Matrikelnummer haben wir unter die Shibboleth Einstellungen folegende Attribut: schacPersonalUniqueCode gesetzt.
Das Attribut gibt folgendes bei Studierenden zurück: urn:mace:terena.org:schac:personalUniqueCode:de:uni-xxxxx.de:Matrikelnummer:1111111

Da wir auch gleichzeitig ein Stud.IP System betrieben, und bei der Stud.IP System wird dieser Attribut(schacPersonalUniqueCode) per default richtig ausgewertet und gibt nur das Matrikelnummer als Ergbnisse zurück.

Meine Frage ist, wie/wo soll ich diese Ergbnise in ILIAS parsen/einstellen! Muss es an das ILIAS System eingestellt oder ist es eine Shibboleth Einstellung?

Danke im Voraus

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Trying to Update since two days - I really need help.

Do you have still problems? Please try to restore your backup so that we have a clean state. Tham we can talk about how t update. Normaly, it goes like that:

move ilias to ilias.old
copy the new ilias to the system
copy from ilias.old the follwing files ald folders:

everthing in data directory

set the rights of the ilias folder recursively 

Maybe there are some files you also want to copy in Customizing

Best regards,

Administration - Installation - Core: problem for install ilias in debian 9

hello, i try to install ilias5.2.25 on debian 9 with apache2 and mysql server but when i want to create new client(in install wizard) a have a message "Database can't be reached. Please check the credentials and if database exists".
I try to change server adress (localhost-> but it's no work.
Can you help me please.
Thank you

Administration - Installation - Core: server error


Ho un errore ricorrente usando ilias riguardo a una classe inesistente, e precisamente:

qualcuno sa per quale motivo viene creata questa richiesta di inclusione per un documento che non esiste?


Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "ilPDSelectedItemsBlockListGUIFactory::byType(): Failed opening required 'Services/Repository/classes/class.ilObjRepositorySettingsListGUI.php' (include_path='.:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.1.26/lib/php')"

#0 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /Volumes/piviere/Users/powerbook/Sites/corsi.cisgem.com/Services/PersonalDesktop/ItemsBlock/classes/class.ilPDSelectedItemsBlockListGUIFactory.php:59

-- GET Data --

baseClass : ilPersonalDesktopGUI
cmd : jumpToSelectedItems
lang : it
limit : 50
view : 0

-- POST Data --


-- Files --


-- Cookies --

ilClientId : cisgem
PHPSESSID : b9e334d9fa319f34320b5187ac00bca2
plg_system_eprivacy : 2019-06-24x2019-12-24x
_ga : GA1.2.491608589.1561132210

-- Session --

tbl_limit : 50
post_vars : Array

referer : /ilias.php?view=1&cmdClass=ilpersonalskillsgui&cmdNode=5l:5q:3u&baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI
referer_ref_id : 0
_authsession_expired : 0
SessionType : 1
_authsession_authenticated: 1
_authsession_user_id : 275
orig_request_target :
has_to_accept_agr_in_session: 1
lang : it
ilUserRequestTargetAdjustment_passed: 1
il_pd_history :
awrn_last_update : 1561554705
awrn_nr_users : 0
awrn_nr_husers : 0
il_rep_mode : tree
il_rep_ref_id : 1
il_nav_history : a:1:{s:3:"71:";a:7:{s:2:"id";s:3:"71:";s:6:"ref_id";s:2:"71";s:4:"link";s:64:"https://corsi.cisgem.com/goto.php?target=cat_71&client_id=cisgem";s:5:"title";s:16:"Diploma diamante";s:4:"type";s:3:"cat";s:10:"sub_obj_id";s:0:"";s:9:"goto_link";s:0:"";}}
table : Array
[user71] => Array
[275] => Array
[offset] => 0



Administration - Installation - Core: missed english sorry


I have a recurring error using ilias about a non-existent class, namely:
Services / Repository / classes / class.ilObjRepositorySettingsListGUI.php

does anyone know why this inclusion request is created for a document that does not exist?

Administration - Installation - Core: SSO (KERBEROS - APACHE in ILIAS)



I have configured my DEBIAN 9 system to run ILIAS 5.3.12 with our internal LDAP.

  • I can find my user in the REMOTE_USER area. OK

  • AUTH_TYPE is well positioned at "Negotiate". OK

  • My Firefox browser is well configured

I have declared the folder "intern" as specified in the documentation ( https://docu.ilias.de/ilias.php?ref_id=367&obj_id=56877&cmd=layout&cmdClass=illmpresentationgui&cmdNode=4n&baseClass=ilLMPresentationGUI )

When I launch http://URL_DOMAIN_ILIAS/intern ... the system answers me "Incorrect User" and introduces me to the Login page...

I have no more ideas....

Can you help me? Thank you...


Administration - Installation - Core: Re : problem for install ilias in debian 9



In my configuration I have:

  • Database type: "MySQL (MyIsam)"

  • Version: version of my operating system

  • Host : localhost

  • Name: ilias

  • User: Name of the user configured to manage my database

  • Port: (empty)

  • ...

So, I think it's important to check that you have an administrator registered specifically for your database. I don't use an IP address but localhost.

Hoping to have helped you a little, cordially,


Plugins and Add-ons: Embed SCORM package in an ILIAS Learning Module

Hello Everyone,

Is there a plugin that allows me to embed a SCORM package in an ILIAS Learning Module?
If so, what is it? How do I install it?
Thank you, Ingrid

Plugins and Add-ons: Embed SCORM package in an ILIAS Learning Module

Hi Ingrid,

no, AFAIK there is no plugin for that, and IMO it does not make sense to integrate a SCORM package this way, as you can import SCORM packages as individual repository objects.


Plugins and Add-ons: Embed SCORM package in an ILIAS Learning Module

Hello Ingrid,

the upload of SCORM learning packages (that is SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004) is indeed a part of core ILIAS since many years, so no plugin needed.

Just create new SCORM object in ILIAS and upload your package.



Administration - Installation - Core: Re(2): problem for install ilias in debian 9

hello, it's work, the problem was the rights by the mysql user "ilias".
i made: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ilias.* TO 'ilias'@'localhost';
and it's work
Thank you

Plugins and Add-ons: Interactions inside a Learning Module

Thanks for your answers.
We have mostly used SCORM packages that are hosted on ILIAS. This feature is familiar to us.
We are migrating content from storyline documents to ILIAS learning module pages. This makes the content searchable, retrievable, rearrangeable, downloadable, printable. The analytics are mildly better than in SCORM packages as well. Also, designing inside the learning module pages allows for flexibility in length - this is preferred.

In a previous job and on a different LMS (Brightspace), I was able to embed an interactive storyline object into the LMS page itself. It looked and functioned like a video or a pdf embed. So, a single page could contain content>video>content>interactive>content>.pdf>summary>knowledge check.

The interactive embedding workflow would follow this procedure:
1 - I would export from storyline.
2 - upload the export into the course databank
3 - I would drop in the interactive object interface
4 - I would switch to the html view of the lms page
5 - I would copy and paste the link to the interactive object in the databank
6 - then the interactive would play inside the LMS page

Does that description make more sense in terms of what I am trying to achieve?
Is there an example of the "interactive video" plug-in? Does that seem like a parallel type of functionality?
Thanks and Best, Ingrid

Plugins and Add-ons: Interactions inside a Learning Module

Hi Ingrid,

OK, now it's more clear what you are trying to achieve. Some suggestions concerning this issue:
  1. If you can export SCORM packages from Storyline, it should also be possible to export simple HTML packages. These packages could be imported and collected  in a media pool, and from there integrated as media object into a ILIAS LM page (or integrated directly).

  2. If you want to combine video with images, text, quizzes etc. - have you considered to use H5P for that? E.g. the "Course presentation" and/or "Interactive Video" should be suitable (https://h5p.org/presentation#example=57130). H5P content can also be integrated in ILIAS LM pages.

  3. The "Interactive Video" as sepate plugin could also be used if you want to combine time-/scene-specific questions for assessment with a video. I have no (public accessible) example for that, but the docu of the plugin describes and shows with a screenshot its functionalities. BUT: this is a repository object that cannot be integrated into a LM page!

Hope that helps a bit,
cheers, Dietmar

Plugins and Add-ons: Interactions inside a Learning Module

Quote (Dietmar Zenker (DZenker))

...The "Interactive Video" as sepate plugin could also be used if you want to combine time-/scene-specific questions for assessment with a video. I have no (public accessible) example for that, but the docu of the plugin describes and shows with a screenshot its functionalities. BUT: this is a repository object that cannot be integrated into a LM page! ...

Actually I commited some new features this week, one of them enables the usage of the InteractiveVideos in CO-Page contents, you need a second plugin for this, just as side note.

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