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Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Error on editing or accessing Test on Assessement item

This is most likely a bug with PHP 7.3. We have encountered similar errors before, but not in the context of tests.

You should file a bug report on https://mantis.ilias.de.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re : Re: Error on editing or accessing Test on Assessement item


I've fill on mantis, bug ID : 25627

So, do yo think the best would be to have PHP 7.2 ?

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re : Error on editing or accessing Test on Assessement item

I must have missed that one, thank you for the hint.

Support for PHP 7.3 was introduced pretty late in the development process for ILIAS 5.4. You will probably encounter some more bugs when using this PHP version. Usually they are fixed pretty fast once discovered. But if you're looking for the best tested PHP version, that would probably be PHP 7.0 (the same version test54.ilias.de uses).

Administration - Installation - Core: migration 5.4 PHP 7.3 to 5.4 PHP7.2

I first installed a docker sturai/ilias 5.4 php 7.3 but because I get a lot of error I installed a new docker image Ilias 5.4 with PHP7.2.

I'm now trying to migrate the datas but I get some problems :
- I copied external data directory
- I copied internal data directory  (web directory)

Same config and Database, but after login, error.php, but I get a message from the browser that page cannot be shown because of wrong redirect.

Any help appreciated.


Administration - Installation - Core: Re: migration 5.4 PHP 7.3 to 5.4 PHP7.2

First a short disclaimer: The Docker image sturai/ilias is not an official image from the ILIAS e.V., but a custom image provided by the company studer + raimann ag. The ILIAS community does not provide Docker images and there is no official support for it.

This being said, I will try to help you out if I can. If you are using Docker volumes, you should be able to just change the image from sturai/ilias:5.4-php7.3-apache to sturai/ilias:5.4-php7.2-apache and restart the container. The data in the Docker volumes will be preserved and mounted to the correct locations. There should be no need to copy data manually between containers.

If this does not help, try to have a look in the log. The image should print error messages to stdout (in line with Docker best practices).

Administration - Installation - Core: PostgreSQL Collation

Hallo an alle,

ich bin momentan dabei die PostgreSQL Datenbank einzurichten. Ich hatte vorher noch nie mit Postgres zu tun gehabt, stehe deswegen etwas auf dem Schlauch.

Weiß hier jemand welche Collation bei postgres als Ersatz für MySQL "utf8_general_ci" genommen wird?
Ich verwende PostgreSQL 9.6
Das Einzige was ich bei Google gefunden habe, war das PostgreSQL 10 "und-x-ica" statt "utf8_general_ci" als Collation verwendet. Das bringt mir nur leider nichts bei der 9.6er :/

Pls help!

Administration - Installation - Core: SSO KERBEROS on DEBIAN 9 , PHP 7, APACHE


I try to configure KERBEROS for SSO....

Everything seems to be configured in my DEBIAN 9, but when I want to test with this script...


echo "<p>REMOTE_USER=[".$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."]</p>";

echo "<p>PHP_AUTH_USER=[".$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']."]</p>";

echo "<p>REMOTE_ADDR=[".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."]</p>";

echo "<p>AUTH_TYPE=[".$_SERVER['AUTH_TYPE']."]</p>";



all variables are empty except REMOTE_ADDR...


A package to install? a parameter somewhere?

Thank you for your help...


Administration - Installation - Core: Ilias neu hosten und istalieren



Ich möchte gerne eine Schule gründen. Die Schule soll auch einen Shop um Kursen und Lehrmaterial zum Verkauf anbieten. Die Prüfungen sollen über Ilias laufen (mit Anticopy Modul), dafür suche ich jemanden, der Ilias installieren kann. Vorher gerne höre ich Ihre Meinungen, wo man Ilias am besten hosten kann.

Ich freue mich auf eure Nachrichten zu lesen.



Administration - Installation - Core: Trying to Update since two days - I really need help.


Hello together, 

i try to update Ilias from 5.3.11 to 5.4.3. I went to https://docu.ilias.de/goto.php?target=lm_367 the instruction to update Ilias and tried to follow the steps. 

I am working with FileZilla. 

What I already did. The first thing i tried was just overwriting the excisting data from 5.3.11 with the new one from 5.4.3. So i opend FileZilla and just uploaded and replaced every data in /Ilias. This didnt work out well. I took my backup and started new...

After that I read the whole instruction better and my next try went like this: 

I made in /Ilias an ordner /tmp and in this tmp-ordner I uploaded the whole 5.4.3 data. When I opend domain/temp/setup/setup.php I could Intall the new version of Ilias, but I was afraid that all the courses I already made are gone if I do this. It would be an installation on its own....and i also couldnt use the same database...

the next thing I did was deleting all .php .xml .dtd and .css datas from /Ilias and then i copied all the same documents from 5.4.3 to this place. I also saved the ilias.ini.php data and copied it also. 

When I did open my browser then i got two diffrent messages. Error 500 or something with Error 300 "too many redirects". 

I really have no clue how to update Ilias now. Maybe my english is too bad or my programming skills...maybe both. 

I really would be happy if someone can give me a better step by step instruction. I really tried it.

Thanks in advance!

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Ilias neu hosten und istalieren


ILIAS-Service-Provider, die u.a. Hosting betreiben, finden sich auf folgender Seite:
Das sind alles Unternehmen, die jahrelange Erfahrung haben und wissen, was es benötigt (z.B. Stichwort "Performanz bei X gleichzeitigen User*innen").

Administration - Installation - Core: Postgres UTF8_general_ci equivalent


been looking for a equivalent for utf8_general_ci, since there is no guide on how to set up the postgres database.

Anyone here who can help me with that?

Administration - Installation - Core: Postgres UTF8_general_ci equivalent


been looking for a equivalent for utf8_general_ci, since there is no guide on how to set up the postgres database.

Anyone here who can help me with that?

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: PostgreSQL Collation

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Problems migrating content.

Although I don't have much experience with ILIAS I just want to confirm the workaround.
During migration of content into ILIAS 5.4.3/PHP7.2 we run into similar trouble.
As a workaround we kept ILIAS 5.4.3 but went back to PHP7.1 (knowing its end of life is end of 2019) --> all works fine now.

Best regards

Administration - Installation - Core: Ilias neu hosten und istalieren

Plugins and Add-ons: H5P - Plugin - Import/Export

Plugins and Add-ons: H5P - Plugin - Import/Export

Hallo Dietmar

Danke für den Hinweis. Schön, dass das jetzt klappt.
Ich finde das H5P-Plugin eine tolle Sache.

Viele Grüsse aus Zürich, Caspar

Plugins and Add-ons: H5P - installation of "Virtual Tour (360°)" library fails in plugin configuration

Hi all,

in our 5.3 ILIAS, installation of "Virtual Tour (360°)" library always fails in plugin configuration with the following error message:
"The system was unable to install the H5P Editor Audio Recorder component from the package, it requires a newer version of the H5P plugin. This site is currently running version 1.19, whereas the required version is 1.20 or higher. You should consider upgrading and then try again."

We are using the most recent versions (2.3 and 1.3) of the H5P and H5PPageComponent plugin. Furthermore, the version of the installed "Audio Recorder" library is 1.0.14 which also is the most recent version, so I have no glue what this error message means.

Did anybody else had the same problem and does maybe know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance for any hints,


Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Ilias neu hosten und istalieren

ILIAS hatte einen Shop, der glaube ich mit ILIAS 4.2 verschwunden ist  (musst du nochmal genauer schauen bei Interesse, er wurde glaube ich nicht so genutzt, wie man es sich vorgestellt hatte). 

Man braucht eigentlich auch kein Shopsystem. Du kannst ja den Zugang zu Kursen/Gruppen erst geben, wenn etwas bezahlt wurde, also manuell. Wenn es richtig gut laufen sollte, kannst du dir das dann auch programmieren lassen (auch von den oben genannten Firmen) zwecks Automation.

Beste Grüße


Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): PostgreSQL Collation

Hi Alix,

danke für deine Rückmeldung.

Also ich habe soeben versucht den Unicode zu verwenden, aber scheinbar ist das so nicht möglich.
Verwende ich eine falsche Syntax?

create database ilias encoding utf8 lc_collate utf8_unicode_ci;
FEHLER:  ungültiger Locale-Name: »utf8_unicode_ci«

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