Administration - Installation - Core: Editing Footer ILIAS v7
Hello,I am trying to change the footer in ILIAS and I stumbled over this post a few weeks ago: followed the instructions and then tried to change the...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Fehler beim Lernfortschritt auslesen
Wir haben es wie folgt selbst gelöst:Ins ILIAS Verzeichnis gehen dann:grep -r -i 'search_limit_reached' ./Dort gibt es folgendes PHP Script :Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilLPTableBaseGUI.phpWenn man...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Anmeldung bleibt hängen
Hallo und Guten Abend,nach der Anmeldung bleibt die Anwendung hängen (weisser Bildschirm).In der Adresszeile steht...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: ILIAS Admin Login - only from a...
Is there a plugin or setting in the ILIAS Adminstration, which allows Users with "Admin" role, to login in to ILIAS only from a specific network. i.e. admins are allowed to login to the ILIAS System...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: ILIAS Admin Login - only from a...
You can achieve this by editing the desired user account via Administration > User management. Each account has a field called client IP where you can restrict access to a particular IP. Using...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Anmeldung bleibt hängen
Zitat (projekt1)nach der Anmeldung bleibt die Anwendung hängen (weisser Bildschirm).Wahrscheinlich tritt hier ein Fehler auf. Ist allenfalls im Apache Error-Log (Standardpfad...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): ILIAS Admin Login - only from...
Thank you very did work for one IP, what syntax did you use for a network i tried these, but none did work192.168.1.1-100192.168.1.[1-100]
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): ILIAS Admin Login - only...
192.168.1.* will work.Unfortunately, subnetting isn't possible.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): ILIAS Admin Login -...
Thanks it did work, i used also multiple networks:192.168.1.*, 192.178.1.*
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Re (2): ILIAS Admin Login...
Really? Thought I did try that. Thank you for this information.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): Re (2): ILIAS Admin...
Sorry, you are right. it did not really work with multiple networks.i tried to loggin from outside theses networks and i was able to, so apprrerntly adding multiple network allows login from anywhere
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Re (2): Re (2): ILIAS...
Now that's unexpected behaviour - sort of.Best regardsCarsten
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Creating any Assignment...
Awesome, just did that and it works now. Thanks!
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Anmeldung bleibt hängen
Vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung, Herr Baumgartner.Hier die relevanten Zeilen der error.log:[Mon Jul 12 13:11:51.275083 2021] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1157] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: ERROR with SAML "Destination in...
So far really good !Your problem is Reverse-Proxy Integration. You need to make sure that ILIAS knows it's own URL and that your RP is using https on Port 443.I assume your ILIAS itself is used on Port...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Anmeldung bleibt hängen
Your php install is broken. You are using php shared libraries of different php versions. (definitly opcache is built for another version /usr/lib/php/20190902/... Not easy to answer what to do...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): ERROR with SAML "Destination...
I checked and did all the things you said. The ilias.ini.php had already the nesessary config set, so no need to change that:[https]auto_https_detect_enabled = 1auto_https_detect_header_name =...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): problems changing the Logo in...
I added the width and height attributes to my SVG and the logo was displayed. But the size of the logo only depends on these attributes and not on the variables in my skin. I think this is not how it...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): problems changing the Logo...
Hey JensThx for your feedback. You are right, the documentation was not up to speed with ILIAS 7 in that aspect, I fixed that, see:...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: mehrere ausgewählte Ordner/Dateien...
Hallo,ich habe ILIAS V6.10 aktualisiert auf den Stand vom 12.07.2021.Jetzt funktioniert Download wieder.MfG Gerald
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