Administration - Installation - Core: SSO with Keycloak and SAML no logout
I have an Ilias installation in which I perform authentication via SAML against a Keycloak server. The configuration was well possible and the login and mapping of other fields works without problems....
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: Stellenangebot der DHBW Karlsruhe im Rahmen des...
Hallo,im Rahmen des Projekts DigikoS haben wir an der DHBW Karlsruhe eine neue, befristete Stelle (bis 31.7.2024) ausgeschrieben. Primär geht es um die Betreuung einer ILIAS-Infrastur, aber auch die...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: PHP crash produces Database errors
Hi there,last week we faced some issue where we had many people writing an exam like 400-500 people.Due to misconfiguration our database and php couldnt handle all connections. So they started being...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: PHP crash produces Database errors
This error is not related to your problem before. We see such errors in every ILIAS Instance with high numbers of concurrent users. In your special case it's caused by object statistics that is writing...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): PHP crash produces Database...
Hi Ralf,thanks for your really quick answer.Okay I understand where this leads. So in order to remove these errors completly we have to deactivate object statics in our ilias setup?I have to check if...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): PHP crash produces...
This database "error" should be handled like a warning for the application and you. No problem if one access to an object is not correctly logged.If you are really concerned by any "error" that is...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): PHP crash produces...
Hi Ralf,the error itself isnt the problem, we know that is only a warning.The problem is that our users get this error while clicking through the ilias. They write a exam and every 3 question they get...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: After update from v6 to v7 -> Files...
Hello,I recently did the update from v6 to v7. Everything worked great so far. Only one thing is missing. All files have the hint:This file object has not yet been migrated and no new versions can be...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: 2
Maybe this helps?cd /var/www/html/iliasphp setup/setup.php migrate
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: 2
Hi,you can find the parameter in ilias/ilias.ini.php ->list = "0"Change the value from 0 to 1. But this feature should not longer be used. I do not know by now how to split such an installation.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: 2
Yeah, that seemed to have done the trick :) Big thanks!I needed to use the steps argument and set it to 100 in order to not having to run the command hundreds of times ;)php setup/setup.php migrate...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Re (2): PHP crash produces...
Verify your error-logging settings in php.ini or any file that sets it.error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_WARNINGI suggest to really use only the...
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in Digital...
Die Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich sucht per 1. Januar 2022 ein:eWissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in Digital Learning (E-Learning) 80-100%Das bewegen Sie:Kompetent beraten Sie die Fachschaften bei der...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): 2
Thanks to Wolfgang for posting the necessary command.All necessary and supported commands are listed in the README for the setup, see here for example...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Creating any Assignment generates...
While this bug is not fixed, just comment out line 535 in /Services/Form/classes/class.ilTextAreaInputGUI.php
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Falscher Text in Betreffzeile bei Compliance-Plugin
Hallo Zusammen,ich habe folgendes Problem: Wir nutzen das Compliance Plugin. Mailvorlagen sind alle eingestellt. Mails gehen auch raus - allerdings wird in der Mail nicht die richtige Betreffzeile...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: mehrere ausgewählte Ordner/Dateien...
Hallo,mehrere ausgewählte Ordner/Dateien gleichzeitig als ZIP-Archiv herunterladen funktioniert nicht mehr. Im Notification Center (Glocken-Symbol) wird die Background Tasks nicht mehr angeboten.- Nach...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: problems changing the Logo in Ilias 7
Hello,i am trying to change the logo in our Ilias 7.1 installation. I found the information on how to change the logo here and here. I have three questions:First I tried to follow first way to create a...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: problems changing the Logo in Ilias 7
I saw this post saying that it could come to problems if I do not set the width and height attributes in my SVG. Is this mandatory?
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Fehler beim Lernfortschritt auslesen
Sehr geehrte ILIAS Community,wir stehen wieder mal vor einem kleinen Problem.Unzwar lesen wir über die Benutzerverwaltung bzw. Organisationseinheiten den Lernfortschritt der Benutzer aus.Beispielsweise...
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