Administration - Installation - Core: Re(2): How to recover a deleted...
Hello,Thanks for the settings for the "Enable Trash" setting of the ILIAS installatin. I could be able to restore the deleted itmes very easily by using this function.RegardsSinan
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Integrate the use of Smileys in HTML-Editor
Is there a possibility in the HTML-Editor of ILIAS to integrate the use of smileys via a selection list and associated graphics?
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: User Content Domain
Hi, MediaWiki allows configuration of a separate Domain for user generated content (file uploads in that case). Does ILIAS have a similar feature for better isolation? Is there documentation? How would...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Transaction Isolation Levels (for MySQL)
Hi, the documentation says nothing about the required Transaction Isolation Levels required by the ILIAS server application.Supported values by the DBMS are:READ UNCOMMITTEDREAD COMMITTEDREPEATABLE...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: innodb_lock_wait_timeout and...
Hi, we recently had an issue where a test with randomized questions where ILIAS loggedHY000 SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction in...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Conserve algorithm calculating the...
Hi, over time, ILIAS changed how the "correct solution" was calculated for some question types.Is it somehow possible to "archive" the algorithm which calculated the results together with the user...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Offload image manipultation
Hi, image scaling, conversion, rasterization and manipulation is done by by shelling out to ImageMagic, PhantomJS and GhostScript. IM and GS have a history full of security vulnerabilities. PhantomJS...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Critical extension is unavailable -LDAP
Moin zusammen,ich habe ein kleines Problem. Bin leider auch unfähig dessen Ursache zu finden. Sprich ich bräuchte einen Stups in die richtige Richtung.Wie der bereits sagt - scheint irgendeine...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Critical extension is unavailable...
The same part - in english. Please pardon me for my english.I have a little problem and i am unable to resolve it on my own. Some kind of extension seems to be missed (See Ilias-Error-Log) and i want...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Offload image manipultation
There is currently no way to offload these image manipulation tasks to another server (as far as I know).
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: User Content Domain
I don't think ILIAS supports a separate User Content Domain at the moment. This feature request here tries to improve this situation though. It also contains ideas for "subdomain...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Transaction Isolation Levels (for...
I would assume so too. I don't think anybody ever tested transaction isolation levels other than the default.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Error installing ilias 6
Hi there,if you are still looking.500 is often permission related.Can you post the history part - where you have done the ilias permission.And or post the permission of the ilias folders?It should be...
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: gesucht: 2nd - 3rd level support ILIAS für...
Die ESSIL Ecole Supérieure Sociale Intercantonale de Lausanne ist eine Höhere Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik mit deutschsprachigen und französischsprachigen Ausbildungsgängen. Wir suchen kurzfristig...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Prompt User Profile release on first...
Hi,on one of our ILIAS 5.4 Installations I would like to prompt every user to complete their profile and ask them to release it for other logged in users when they first login.I am aware of the User...
View ArticleILIAS Developers: PHPStorm Plugins/Templates und andere Tipps
Angeregt durch den Vortrag von Fabian auf der Devconf zum Thema GlobalScreen-Service in Plugins, dachte ich es wäre einmal sinnvoll eine kleine Liste mit hilfreichen Plugins bzw. Farbschemata bzw....
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Admin-Workshop zum neuen Setup in ILIAS 7
Auf der diesjährigen DevConf in dem Workshop "Setup Machinery 101" von Richard Klees wurde von den Teilnehmenden der Wunsch geäußert, einen Workshop für ILIAS-Administrator:innen zum neuen ILIAS-Setup...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Erfahrungen zu den Migrations...
Hallo zusammenAn der Dev-Conf (18.3.2021) wurde unter anderem vorgestellt, wie die Migration der File-Objects mit ILIAS abläuft (neuer Setup-Prozess über CLI). Dabei haben wir gesehen, dass es durchaus...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Interaktives Video & Medienpool
Liebe ILIAS-Community,um Platz auf unserer Instanz zu sparen haben wir Videos in Medienpools hinterlegt.Ist es möglich diese Videos auch als Interaktive Videos zu nutzen?Falls ja, wie bekomme ich das...
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