I've added a variable to the ILIAS core files to have the theme root folder as a variable. This enables me to have included files in the theme where the them can be exported or renamed without consequences.
modified: Services/Init/classes/class.ilInitialisation.php
add new variable LOCATION_STYLESHEET_FOLDER for style sheet root folder
protected static function initHTML:
// load style sheet depending on user's settings
$location_stylesheet = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation();
1601: $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET",$location_stylesheet);
1602: $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET_FOLDER",ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation("path")); //Added line
modified: Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php
added new mode 'path'.
Change line 200 - 208:
if ($mode != "filesystem") {
return $filename . $vers;
To:if ($mode == "output") {
$vers = str_replace(" ", "-", $ilSetting->get("ilias_version"));
$vers = "?vers=" . str_replace(".", "-", $vers);
// use version from template xml to force reload on changes
$skin = ilStyleDefinition::getSkins()[ilStyleDefinition::getCurrentSkin()];
$vers .= ($skin->getVersion() != '' ? str_replace(".", "-", '-' . $skin->getVersion()) : '');
} else if ($mode == "path") {
$filename = "./Customizing/global/skin/" . ilStyleDefinition::getCurrentSkin() . "/" . $a_css_location;
return $filename . $vers;
You can then use {LOCATION_STYLESHEET_FOLDER} in your template files.
If you want to keep these changes with an update then you'll have to merge your code with the updated files when getting the update from git.