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Administration - Installation - Core: SCORM / AICC Modules: Navigation very slow


first of all I want to apologize in advance for understanding my question, it is translated via Google translation into  English, so here it is:

I recently installed Ilias V 5.3.18 and I have a problem reading the SCORM / AICC Modules: Navigation is very very slow between each page.
Our SCORM modules are produced with Scenarichain 4.2 and the Opale 3.6 documentary background.
I have made Opal generations for Ilias in SCORM 1.2 and 2004, in mono and multi SCORM.
Previously we were on Ilias 5.1 and had no problem reading the SCORM Module.
I suspect a setting to be made at the WAC level.But I have no idea how to configure it.
If a person has been faced with the same problem I am a taker of the solution.

Best regards,

Vincent Sayah

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: SCORM / AICC Modules: Navigation very slow

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: New Learning Module: How to install ILIAS on a Ubuntu VPS server

Nice!  Very thorough.  Nice to see opcache being used, noticed a big difference on our end when enabled as well.

Administration - Installation - Core: Wer ist online ?

Guten Tag,

ich habe ein Problem mit der Wer ist online Anzeige. 
Alle Einstellungen über die Administration sind gesetzt. Nur der Administratror sieht die angemeldeten Benutzer.
Die Einstellung steht auf "Alle Benutzer" --> online, jedoch keine Anzeige, außer unter dem Admin Profil

- stellt man die Einstellung auf "offline" werden diese auch bei den Benutzern der Rolle " USER" angezeigt.
- Zuweisung des default Templates (delos) bringt auch keine Verbesserung 
- Anlegen  von /httpdocs/ilias/Customizing/global/skin/iscr/Services/MainMenu und dort das ursprüngliche file  tpl.main_menu.html aus dem Default Profil hineinkopiert - kein Ergebnis

Dankbar über jeden Tipp..

Danke und Gruß Martin

ILIAS Developers: Best Practice New Images/New Variables/Skin class files?

I've added a variable to the ILIAS core files to have the theme root folder as a variable. This enables me to have included files in the theme where the them can be exported or renamed without consequences.

modified: Services/Init/classes/class.ilInitialisation.php
add new variable LOCATION_STYLESHEET_FOLDER for style sheet root folder
protected static function initHTML:
// load style sheet depending on user's settings
$location_stylesheet = ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation();
1601: $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET",$location_stylesheet);
1602: $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET_FOLDER",ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation("path")); //Added line

modified: Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php
added new mode 'path'. 
Change line 200 - 208:
if ($mode != "filesystem") { 
return $filename . $vers;

if ($mode == "output") {
$vers = str_replace(" ", "-", $ilSetting->get("ilias_version"));
$vers = "?vers=" . str_replace(".", "-", $vers);
// use version from template xml to force reload on changes
$skin = ilStyleDefinition::getSkins()[ilStyleDefinition::getCurrentSkin()];
$vers .= ($skin->getVersion() != '' ? str_replace(".", "-", '-' . $skin->getVersion()) : '');
} else if ($mode == "path") {
$filename = "./Customizing/global/skin/" . ilStyleDefinition::getCurrentSkin() . "/" . $a_css_location;
return $filename . $vers;

You can then use {LOCATION_STYLESHEET_FOLDER} in your template files.

If you want to keep these changes with an update then you'll have to merge your code with the updated files when getting the update from git.


ILIAS Developers: How to change the number of cards rendered per row in repository

When rendering a category with 'tiles' I want to have more tiles per row. At the moment each row in a deck of cards has a maximum of 4 cards. When more cards are present a new row is created and the next maximum of 4 cards occupies that row. 

Is there a way to have ILIAS render more cards per row, or have no rows rendered at all? I don't mind changing some core functionality to achieve this.

Kind regards,

Robert Kuunders

ILIAS Developers: How to change the number of cards rendered per row in repository


The deck of cards is documented under

Administration > Layout > System-Styles > Click "Action > Documentation" for Delos > Deck

There are different card sizes available


see also https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/release_5-4/src/UI/Component/Deck/Deck.php

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Wer ist online ?

ILIAS Developers: How to change the number of cards rendered per row in repository

Administration - Installation - Core: Datenschutz Unterseite

Hallo zusammen,

wie könnte man ein Link in Footer hinzufügen? Ich möchte zB ein Link in Footer haben, der zu der Unterseite von Datenschutz führen wird.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Wer ist online ?

Hi Alix,

das war die Lösung. Eine lange Suche geht zu Ende.

Tausend Dank!!

VG Martin

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Wer ist online ?

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Datenschutz Unterseite

Administration - Installation - Core: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry



I got the message...

": Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'm7sbeehqlgtgmj6natmn6u2rk2' for key 'PRIMARY', referer: http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/data/ead/lm_data/lm_81876/co/pubBqQuest_T10.html"

...which seems to be disrupting the performance of my ILIAS server.

This message is repeated several times...

Do you know how to solve this problem?

Thank you for your help.

My best regards,


Administration - Installation - Core: Mail Template

wo ändere ich den Kopf des Standard-Mailtemplates?
Aktuell steht hier: Open Source e-Learning.

Dies würde ich gern anpassen.

Danke für die Unterstützung.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Mail Template


Unter Administration > Mail > Extern steht bei "HTML-Rahmen":

Zitat (ILIAS-Administration)

Falls aktiviert, wird der Nachrichtentext von externen E-Mails in einen HTML-Rahmen gesetzt. Dieser kann über ein Skin-Template unter './Customizing/global/skin/[SKIN]/Services/Mail/tpl.html_mail_template.html' (als Kopie von './Services/Mail/templates/default/tpl.html_mail_template.html') angepasst werden.

Plugins and Add-ons: Signature/Timestamp Plugin for Exams


Hello, Christoph,
are there any plans to develop the plugin for ILIAS 5.4 / 6.0 further? We would be interested in using it.
Best regards

Administration - Installation - Core: User-friendly URLs

Administration - Installation - Core: USER friendly URLs

Administration - Installation - Core: Certificates - Ho to insert a new line?

Hello everybody!

I just set up a new ILIAS installation and it is working fine so far. I also was able to get the Java Server running and enabled the Certificate setting. But now I wonder how to get new lines into the certificate text. So far the certificate previews just put all the text in one line. 

/n did not work "
" also did not do the job. Any ideas?
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