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ILIAS Developers: Cookie banner, no need at all?

ILIAS doesnt have any cookie banner. Why? No need at all? Is ILIAS without cookie banner GDPR-compilant?

ILIAS Developers: Cookie banner, no need at all?

You can read this for example:

ILIAS Developers: Cookie banner, no need at all?

> ILIAS doesnt have any cookie banner. Why?

The answer here just is: because nobody bothered to create an according feature wiki page, take it through the JF and then (find the resources to) implement it.

> No need at all? Is ILIAS without cookie banner GDPR-compilant?

This never was a problem when my customers checked the GDPR compliance of their installations. ILIAS stores very little data in cookies (I can only find a session cookie) before a user accepts the user agreements. These then can be used to inform the users about the data in cookies (and other GDPR related stuff) and to get their consent to this usage. This might be different for other installations, e.g. when a huge public space is used in an installation.

As far as I understand the GDPR, the question whether ILIAS is GDPR-compliant is next to meaningless. A software in itself is neither compliant nor not compliant, it all depends on the concrete usage scenario of the software. If I (e.g.) only use ILIAS in an network internal to my company, I might well have collected all the required consense and provided all information to my users via a mechanism completely external to ILIAS, e.g. by an agreement that my employees need to sign during onboarding.

The document you are linking in fact seems to say, that session cookies are an exception, so when your plattform is on the internet but only provides more than the login page for people with a valid user, this should be fine when the ToS are written accordingly. ILIAS does not use cookies to track users (or even target them with ads), which is the topic for the cookie banners that I know of.

This all should be a hint why a cookie banner might not be the right choice for ILIAS and nobody bothered to request one as a feature.

I need to point out to take this with a grain of salt, though. I am neither a lawyer nor a GDPR professional and my opinion here is solely based on my current experiences with GDPR-requirements of our customers and in my company. I'm still 100% convinced that the question of GDPR-compliance might only be answered completely for a concrete installation of ILIAS.

ILIAS Developers: Cookie banner, no need at all?

Thank you for your detailed and informative answer.
Regards, Daniel

Jobs and User Communities: Adobe Captivate and ILIAS SCORM Spezialist*in gesucht

Liebe Alle

Wir haben mit Adobe Captivate Lernmodule (Quizzes) erstellt. Gerne würden wir prüfen lassen

  • ob unsere Exporteinstellungen in Captivate passen

  • ob unsere Einstellungen in ILIAS so passen (Administration und SCORM 2004-Objekt)

Finanzierung von ca. 2-3 Stunden Analysearbeit und Empfehlungen.

Unterstützungs-Offerten mit kurzer Mail an: lauener@ilub.unibe.ch

Danke, Liebe Grüsse, Hansjörg

Administration - Installation - Core: Problem with tags in received mail



Recently help me with a clue about org unit availability. And now I again ask you for your help.

Problem: After saving the letter from outlook (the mail was send from ilias to our course member) we opened it in html mode and checked the code. It was our invitation text, but it looks like this:
<//> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <br>
consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam <br>
nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore <br>
et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam <br>
At vero eos et accusam et justo duo <br>
dolores et ea rebum.
Stet clita kasd gubergren, <br>
est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. <//>
We can’t understand why this is happening, why the <br> tags appeared.


What we did, when find the “<br>” problem: we created working skin for ilias and called it Myskin. Where we took default template for mails and placed it in folder [ Myskin ] for customizing templates.


And this changes helps with the text “Open Source E-Learning” – we changed it, but not with the layout of text. Now we have a long sausage of text instead of text with width 100% 530px (in html code the rules are applied, but when we receive mail in outlook we have an error in displaying text).
Please, help…



Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Problem with tags in received mail

The pictures from posting above, the first and the second

Administration - Installation - Core: Meine Erfahrung mit: Strato V-Server Linux V40

Hallo Gemeinde,
dies ist mein erstes Posting in diesem Forum. Ich hoste eine eigene ILIAS-Instanz da ich meine Unterrichtsmaterialien von OneNote auf ein LMS migrieren möchte. Die Instanz soll etwa 20 - 50 gleichzeitige Benutzer stemmen können.

Ich betreibe meine Instanz auf einem Strato V-Server Linux V40 (Link zum Angebot)

Hier ein paar Eckdaten

  • 6 CPU vCores

  • 12 GB RAM garantiert

  • 600 GB SSD

  • Anbindung bis zu 500 MBit/s

  • Traffic Unlimited

  • ILIAS (v5.3.18 2019-10-18)

  • OS

    • Ubuntu 16.04 ohne Plex

  • Backup

    • rsnapshot, lokal

    • duply/duplicity auf MS OneDrive, offsite

    • rclone

    • mysqldump

    • apt-clone

rund 13 € pro Monat (auf 3 Jahre)
1 TB Backup auf OneDrive im Rahmen meines Office 365 Familiy-Account ( 6 Account a 1 TB). ca. 2 €/Monat

Ich bin mit der Instanz erst vor ein paar Wochen umgezogen. Bisher kann ich aber kein Macken feststellen. Es sind allerdings meist nur 10 Benutzer Online um einen Fragenpool zu bearbeiten.

Strato bindet einen Ordner /private-backup ein. Dieser Ordner wird bei einer Neuinstallation nicht gelöscht, so das man auch ein Backup zeitnah wiederherstellen kann.

Mittelfristig soll noch eine MySQL-Replication auf ein eine weitere Datenbank erstellt werden. Diese ist auch bei Strato gehostet (Web-Paket).

Sollte jemand Fragen haben stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Administration - Installation - Core: Certificate Creation


I am running on a linux localhost test server, ilias 5.4.

i am trying to preview cretificates, i get the following error messaage:

c196p] [2019-11-02 19:12:34.351212] cpconsultant_root.INFO: ilSAHSEditGUI::executeCommand:210 bc:ilSAHSEditGUI; nc:ilobjscormlearningmodulegui; cmd:certificatePreview
[c196p] [2019-11-02 19:12:34.364872] cpconsultant_root.INFO: ilObjSAHSLearningModuleGUI::executeCommand:210 bc:ilSAHSEditGUI; nc:ilcertificategui; cmd:certificatePreview
[c196p] [2019-11-02 19:12:34.387108] cpconsultant_cert.INFO: ilCertificateTemplateRepository::fetchCurrentlyUsedCertificate:122 START - Fetch currently active certificate template for object: "285"
[c196p] [2019-11-02 19:12:34.387689] cpconsultant_cert.INFO: ilCertificateTemplateRepository::fetchCurrentlyUsedCertificate:122 END - Found active certificate for: "285"
[c196p] [2019-11-02 19:12:34.397694] cpconsultant_wsrv.INFO: ilRpcClient::__call:16 RpcClient request to / RPCTransformationHandler.ilFO2PDF
[c196p] [2019-11-02 19:12:34.398501] cpconsultant_root.ERROR: ilErrorHandling::{closure}:50 0 Argument 1 passed to ilCertificateUtilHelper::deliverData() must be of the type string, null given, called in /var/www/html/ilias/Services/Certificate/classes/Template/Action/Preview/ilCertificateTemplatePreviewAction.php on line 138 in /var/www/html/ilias/Services/Certificate/classes/Helper/ilCertificateUtilHelper.php:17

what am i missing?  


Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Certificate Creation

Administration - Installation - Core: Installation Support Needed.


Dear Mr. Kunkel & Mr. Killing,

I did manage to install all the necesary tools and components until i got this problem. Please can you give us some advices how to proceed further.

 1.First scenario:

 I am giving the

  • Client ID: ilias

  • Database host: localhost,

  • Database Name: ilias_ikap

  • Database User: ilias-ikap

  • Port: 3306

  • Pwd: *****


And i recieve the following error: Warning Database "ilias_ikap" already exists! Please choose another database name.

2. Second scenario:

 I am giving the

  • Client ID: ilias

  • Database host: localhost,

  • Database Name: ilias

  • Database User: ilias-ikap

  • Port: 3306

  • Pwd: *****

And i recieve the following error: - Database can't be reached. Please check the credentials and if database exists-

Best regards,


Plugins and Add-ons: Certificate Plugin


Is there a certificatge creation plugin that does NOT use Java?

and instead uses PHP libraries?? something like FPDF maybe?


Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Installation Support Needed.

Administration - Installation - Core: Ilias on IIS and MSSQL


Weiß jemand, ob es möglich ist, ilias auf einem Windows IIS-Webserver und MSSQL zum Laufen zu bringen? Wenn ja, gibt es eine Dokumentation zur Installation mit MSSQL?



do somebody know if it ist possible to get ilias running on an Windows IIS web Server and MSSQL?
if yes is there any documentation on how to install it with MSSQL?

Best regards

Administration - Installation - Core: Error migrating Ilias from Plesk to cPanel server


I am experiencing serious difficulties in migrating the platform from one server to another.
I followed this procedure: https://docu.ilias.de/ilias.php?ref_id=367&obj_id=57001&cmd=layout&cmdClass=illmpresentationgui&cmdNode=2h&baseClass=ilLMPresentationGUI
But it does not seem to be successful, I get the following errors:

On mail url i retrive this error: Fatal Error: ilInitialisation::initClientIniFile initializing client ini file abborted with: file_does_not_exist

if i recall the url/setup/setup.pho i receive this errors: 

Warning: dir(/home/xrlf98iy/public_html/data): failed to open dir: Permission denied in /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilClientList.php on line 51

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function read() on bool in /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilClientList.php:56 Stack trace: #0 /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilClientList.php(42): ilClientList->init() #1 /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilClientListTableGUI.php(62): ilClientList->__construct(Object(ilDBConnections)) #2 /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilClientListTableGUI.php(46): ilClientListTableGUI->getClients() #3 /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilSetupGUI.php(1569): ilClientListTableGUI->__construct(Object(ilSetup)) #4 /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilSetupGUI.php(224): ilSetupGUI->displayClientList() #5 /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilSetupGUI.php(154): ilSetupGUI->cmdAdmin() #6 /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/setup.php(45): ilSetupGUI->__construct() #7 {main} thrown in /home/xrlf98iy/public_html/setup/classes/class.ilClientList.php on line 56

Can you help me please ?

Let me know if need more information.
Really thanks,

Davide De Simone

Administration - Installation - Core: Problem with a request : Crash System



I have a big problem that crash our system...

  • Machine in DEBIAN 9

  • MariaDB in database

One of our services offers a test with about 50 users and the server falls.
The test is carried out in "Kiosk" mode

In addition, a test with 150 users is normally carried out with another service.

My user database has about 300,000 users. (SSO)

After analysis it is a problem with MySql.

The CPU is 100% consumed by MySql.

The request that crashes the system is:

  • $query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(usr_id)) as num FROM rbac_ua '.

The public function getNumberOfAssignedUsers(Array $a_roles) that contain this request is in the class "class.ilRbacReview.php"

What do you think is the problem?

Thank you for your help


Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Error migrating Ilias from Plesk to cPanel server

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Ilias on IIS and MSSQL

Administration - Installation - Core: Re(2): Error migrating Ilias from Plesk to cPanel server


ok thank you very much for the help

it was a problem of permissions not on the setup folder but on the given folders. Set folder data and client ID with permission 777 work good.

Is it possible that it only works with permissions in this way? (777)

is there a guide explaining how the permissions must be set in the various folders and files?

For example if i set 755 i retrive this error:

[12-Nov-2019 12:10:12 Europe/Berlin] Mail directory is not readable/writable by webserver: /home/xrlf98iy/data/gotoelearning/mail
[12-Nov-2019 12:10:18 Europe/Berlin] Mail directory is not readable/writable by webserver: /home/xrlf98iy/data/gotoelearning/mail
[12-Nov-2019 12:24:15 Europe/Berlin] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

as always, thank you very much for your help and support.


Administration - Installation - Core: Re(3): Error migrating Ilias from Plesk to cPanel server

Zitat (davide@desimonej.it)

[12-Nov-2019 12:10:12 Europe/Berlin] Mail directory is not readable/writable by webserver: /home/xrlf98iy/data/gotoelearning/mail
[12-Nov-2019 12:10:18 Europe/Berlin] Mail directory is not readable/writable by webserver: /home/xrlf98iy/data/gotoelearning/mail
[12-Nov-2019 12:24:15 Europe/Berlin] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

The data directory outside of the web root (in your case probably /home/xrlf98iy/data) and all subfolders/files must be writeable by the web user.

You can, however, remove write permission from all files and directories inside the web root, exept for the ones listed in the section "File Access Rights" of the installation documentation:

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