Every plug-in needs care (= time = money) and is a dependency ("Will they work with the new ILIAS version?"). If you can manage ILIAS without plug-ins: Great!
But if you don't, there might be help. List of plug-ins
Hi eClicker,
did you check if the phantomjs is headless working?
regarding to this:
We are determine problems with the distro version of phantomjs.
ilCtrlException thrown with message "Could not find entry in modules.xml or services.xml for <br/>/ilias/ilias.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=netbeans-xdebug"
#1 ilCtrlException in /var/www/html/ilias/Services/UICore/classes/class.ilCtrl.php:160
#0 ilCtrl:callBaseClass in /var/www/html/ilias/ilias.php:20
hat Jemand Erfahrung mit dem Plugin SrAutoMails?
Ich konnte es noch nicht testen und frage mich, ob es ein Tool sien könnte, um z.B. automatische Erinnerungen an bevorstehende Tests oder Sitzungstermine zu senden? Weiß jemand, ob das geht? Oder wie sind generell eure Erfahrungen mit dem Plugin?
Viele Grüße
Dear Timon,
The link you have provided helps to change the mail template style. Can you please tell how can I change the text content?
I am just wondering why mails not working as expected.
The logs say all "green"
ILIAS log:
[6a90l] [2019-10-09 17:06:36.425827] ilias_mail.INFO: ilMailMimeTransportBase::send:438 Trying to delegate external email delivery: Initiated by: root (6) | To: mkay@test.de | CC: | BCC: | Subject: [ILIAS] test3 | From: FROM@ilias01.test.gov / root user | ReplyTo: admin@test.gov / root user | EnvelopeFrom:
[6a90l] [2019-10-09 17:06:36.476064] ilias_mail.INFO: ilMailMimeTransportBase::send:438 Successfully delegated external mail delivery
Oct 9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/pickup[16563]: 75D6E60509: uid=48 from=<apache>
Oct 9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/cleanup[17467]: 75D6E60509: message-id=<Ur2jX5P7CrZJNh25IgeojZzuanUd25yIZJStfCeHaU@lernplattform.test.gov>
Oct 9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/qmgr[2320]: 75D6E60509: from=<apache@ilias01.test.gov>, size=28538, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Oct 9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/smtp[17469]: 75D6E60509: to=<mkay@web.de>, relay=smtp.gov[]:25, delay=0.06, delays=0.02/0/0.03/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Message accepted for delivery)
Oct 9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/qmgr[2320]: 75D6E60509: removed
Sometimes Mails arrive, but there seems to be a configuration issue in several ways. Since the documentation for mailing is lacking on further information, I have no idea where to configure the mailings for all user. One User responded that they couldn't send e-mails. After the 4th try, the mail was delivered, but the Subject was:
Please respond to FROM@ilias01.test.gov
Where FROM should be replaced with by the name from the user who send that message. Viceversa the User should be able to receive answers back to their mailaccounts inside ILIAS. Any ideas?
I remarked that pear install XML_RPC
WARNING: "pear/XML_RPC" is deprecated in favor of "pear/XML_RPC2"
Could not download from "https://de.pear.php.net/get/XML_RPC-1.5.5.tgz", cannot download "pear/XML_RPC" (Connection to `ssl://de.pear.php.net:443' failed: Connection timed out)
Error: cannot download "pear/XML_RPC"
Download failed
install failed
So I updated the pear channel with pear channel-update pear.php.net. But no success with XMP_RPC, I installed XML_RPC2, but wasnt able to power on the lucene engine:
Host: /var/www/html/ilias/Services/WebServices/RPC/lib# java -jar ilServer.jar ilServer.properties &
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
at de.ilias.ilServer.handleRequest(ilServer.java:102)
at de.ilias.ilServer.main(ilServer.java:82)
My il.Server.properties:
IpAddress = localhost
Port = 11111
IndexPath = /var/www/html/ilias/data/
LogFile = /opt/iliasdata/ilServer.log
LogLevel = WARN
NumThreads = 1
RamBufferSize = 256
IndexMaxFileSizeMB = 500
ClientId = ACMECorp
NicId = 0