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Plugins and Add-ons: None

I'd say there is no must have unless you have an unsolved task.
Every plug-in needs care (= time = money) and is a dependency ("Will they work with the new ILIAS version?"). If you can manage ILIAS without plug-ins: Great!
But if you don't, there might be help. List of plug-ins

Administration - Installation - Core: PDF-Generation

Hi Mr. Baumgartner,

I recently checked your advice: I have logged in to the linux console of my Ubuntu Server 18.04.03 and checked the result of "whereis phantomjs". This is the output of the command: /usr/bin/phantomjs

Afterwards I checked the settings of Administration: "content services" -> PDF Generation. In all 4 sections phantomjs is the preferred renderer and also selected in the drop-down menu underneath. When I click "configure renderer" the shown path is identic to the one of the linux console (/usr/bin/phantomjs). The executable is stored in that path and also marked as executable. (-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 129 Feb 15  2016 /usr/bin/phantomjs*)

thanks for further ideas.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: PDF-Generation


Hi eClicker,

did you check if the phantomjs is headless working?

regarding to this:


We are determine problems with the distro version of phantomjs.

Administration - Installation - Core: PDF Erstellung , PDF Generation

Hi tmueller,

thanks for your hint. The related report: https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/14376 offered an working solution. The linked binary:


fixed my issue. After Downloading I replaced the phantomjs binary so PDF generation is working properly now.

THANKS tmueller,

perhaps this information may help others also:
I have found another post advising to try php-tcpdf - RESULT: this does also create PDFs without an error  (but does only work for tests)

Jobs and User Communities: Zwei unbefristete Stellen bei der Universität Bonn für die Bereiche eKlausur und Webcast ausgeschrieben

Das eCampus- Team sucht zwei neue Mitarbeiter*innen für die Bereiche eKlausur und Webcast. Bewerbungsfrist ist der 27.10.2019.

Weitere Infos hier: https://www.ecampus-services.uni-bonn.de/de/nachrichten/stellenausschreibung2019

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Webdav Fehler "Unauthorized"

Hallo Nico
Kurze Frage: Habt ihr denn OpenId aktiviert und es funktioniert über die normale Oberfläche? Muss mich dann einmal kurz mit dem Zusammenspiel von WebDAV und OpenIdConnect beschäftigen, das hatten wir soweit ich sehen kann, noch nie (ich/wir, die Hochschule Luzern, sind die Maintainer von WebDAV).


Plugins and Add-ons: H5P - wo landen die Nutzerdaten?

Die Antwort auf diese Fragen interessiert mich ebenfalls.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re(2): Can't add files to media pool

Hey Quax,
thanks a lot, I double checked everything. the proper rights were in place.

But as it turns out, the folder mobs (in data/Default-Client), wasn't created during the installation.
So I created it manually, now everything works fine. :)

Btw, the installation was done via Softaculous Auto Installer 5.3.0. Just in case someone else is running into a similar issue.

thanks again,

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Webdav Fehler "Unauthorized"

Hi Stephan,

nein, OpenID ist im Backend unter Administration -> Authentifizierung -> OpenID Connect im Moment nicht aktiv. Müsste das aktiv sein, um Webdav nutzen zu können?

Meinst Du mit normaler Oberfläche über den Browser? Nein, leider gleiches Phänomen: Ich bekomme immer wieder die Loginmaske mit Benutzernamen und Passwort, selbst mit Admin Zugangsdaten. Die URL hole ich mir über die Mount Instructions durch die Aktion "als Webordner öffnen".

Soweit ich sehen kann, ist da SabreDav im Einsatz, das müsste soweit auch ohne zusätzliche PHP Pakete auskommen, oder muss vielleicht serverseitig etwas installiert werden, damit das läuft?

Liebe Grüße,

Plugins and Add-ons: Thanks for the reply

Thanks cjobst, 

Sorry by the late reply but I saw a few weeks ago your answer, It was just what I needed.

Now I have my own dev server with ilias running and with the plugin I have to study. The thing is that I loaded xdebug but when I try to start the xdebug session ilias throws this error:

ilCtrlException thrown with message "Could not find entry in modules.xml or services.xml for <br/>/ilias/ilias.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=netbeans-xdebug"

#1 ilCtrlException in /var/www/html/ilias/Services/UICore/classes/class.ilCtrl.php:160
#0 ilCtrl:callBaseClass in /var/www/html/ilias/ilias.php:20

Is there something that I forgot in the ilias installation for debug?

Plugins and Add-ons: Erfahrung mit dem Plugin SrAutoMails?



hat Jemand Erfahrung mit dem Plugin SrAutoMails?

Ich konnte es noch nicht testen und frage mich, ob es ein Tool sien könnte, um z.B. automatische Erinnerungen an bevorstehende Tests oder Sitzungstermine zu senden? Weiß jemand, ob das geht? Oder wie sind generell eure Erfahrungen mit dem Plugin?

Viele Grüße


Administration - Installation - Core: Re(2): html mail to customize


Dear Timon,

The link you have provided helps to change the mail template style. Can you please tell how can I change the text content?



Administration - Installation - Core: Error during database installation


I was trying to install Ilias-5.4.5 into my local hosting, using Wampserver program.
When reached the stage where need to install the database, error occurred as below.
All the information as per database host, database name, port, as well as database password set correctly.
Need your help here. Thank you very much.

Administration - Installation - Core: Customizing text automatic email for new course membership

I'd like to ask if it is possible to adjust the text sent when a new member joins a course. I have seen that HTML-templates kann adjust the design but the text(The mail body) cannot be customized in this way.
Hallo, ich hätte gern fragen, ob es möglich ist das Mail-Body von automatischen Mails bei einem Kursbeitritt anzupassen. Ich habe gesehen, dass man das Design mittels HTML-Templates anpassen kann, aber ich habe keine Option für  Text gefunden.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Error during database installation

Your PHP setting for max_execution_time seems to be too low (120 seconds). The setup process may run for several minutes. Try raising this setting (e.g. to 900s) in your php.ini. I don't know WAMP, so I can't tell you where to find the php.ini, though.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Customizing text automatic email for new course membership

If there is no newer way, you could change the language entries of the e-mail in
Administration > Languages > Your language

Administration - Installation - Core: How to reduce log level of SCORM2004?

Hi Community,

question sounds easy, anyway I have some problems. We are using ILIAS 5.4.5.

An imported SCORM module writes tons of information to ilias.log while users run that module. So I tried to reduce log-level for SCORM2004 via:
Administration --> Logging --> Settings --> Components --> SCORM2004 (INFO --> ERROR)
But the result wasn't as expected. There were still a lot of SCORM2004 information in log.

It looks like the messages are not assigned to component SCORM2004 but to Root instead. Here is an example:
[] [2019-10-09 14:26:08.776870] LernweltITSicherheit_root.INFO: ilSCORM2004StoreData::setCMIData:88 SCORM: setCMIData, table -interaction-

So only after reducing log-level of component Root (Leg-Level for message which are not assigned to any component.) the SCORM information disappeared.  But of course I don't have any idea which other information is gone now, too. It doesn't look like a proper solution. 

So what do you think?
Is it just a bug I would have to write a bug report for?
Or is it perhaps an issue with importing and configuring the SCORM module or with the module itself?

Thanks in advance and best regards

Administration - Installation - Core: Mails not functioning correctly



I am just wondering why mails not working as expected.
The logs say all "green"

ILIAS log:
[6a90l] [2019-10-09 17:06:36.425827] ilias_mail.INFO: ilMailMimeTransportBase::send:438 Trying to delegate external email delivery: Initiated by: root (6) | To: mkay@test.de | CC:  | BCC:  | Subject: [ILIAS] test3 | From: FROM@ilias01.test.gov / root user | ReplyTo: admin@test.gov / root user | EnvelopeFrom:
[6a90l] [2019-10-09 17:06:36.476064] ilias_mail.INFO: ilMailMimeTransportBase::send:438 Successfully delegated external mail delivery


Oct  9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/pickup[16563]: 75D6E60509: uid=48 from=<apache>
Oct  9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/cleanup[17467]: 75D6E60509: message-id=<Ur2jX5P7CrZJNh25IgeojZzuanUd25yIZJStfCeHaU@lernplattform.test.gov>
Oct  9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/qmgr[2320]: 75D6E60509: from=<apache@ilias01.test.gov>, size=28538, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Oct  9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/smtp[17469]: 75D6E60509: to=<mkay@web.de>, relay=smtp.gov[]:25, delay=0.06, delays=0.02/0/0.03/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Message accepted for delivery)
Oct  9 17:06:36 ilias01.test.gov postfix/qmgr[2320]: 75D6E60509: removed

Sometimes Mails arrive, but there seems to be a configuration issue in several ways. Since the documentation for mailing is lacking on further information, I have no idea where to configure the mailings for all user. One User responded that they couldn't send e-mails. After the 4th try, the mail was delivered, but the Subject was:

Please respond to FROM@ilias01.test.gov

Where FROM should be replaced with by the name from the user who send that message. Viceversa the User should be able to receive answers back to their mailaccounts inside ILIAS.  Any ideas?

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Customizing text automatic email for new course membership

Administration - Installation - Core: Lucene Pear XMP_RPC/2

Running 5.4.5 on Debian 10 with Mariadb and memcached for a small env. All is running smooth. While installing lucene like proposed in

I remarked that  pear install XML_RPC
WARNING: "pear/XML_RPC" is deprecated in favor of "pear/XML_RPC2"
Could not download from "https://de.pear.php.net/get/XML_RPC-1.5.5.tgz", cannot download "pear/XML_RPC" (Connection to `ssl://de.pear.php.net:443' failed: Connection timed out)
Error: cannot download "pear/XML_RPC"
Download failed
install failed

So I  updated the pear channel with pear channel-update pear.php.net. But no success with XMP_RPC, I installed XML_RPC2, but wasnt able to power on the lucene engine:

Host: /var/www/html/ilias/Services/WebServices/RPC/lib# java -jar ilServer.jar ilServer.properties &
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
at de.ilias.ilServer.handleRequest(ilServer.java:102)
at de.ilias.ilServer.main(ilServer.java:82)

My il.Server.properties:

IpAddress = localhost
Port = 11111
IndexPath = /var/www/html/ilias/data/
LogFile = /opt/iliasdata/ilServer.log
LogLevel = WARN
NumThreads = 1
RamBufferSize = 256
IndexMaxFileSizeMB = 500

ClientId = ACMECorp
NicId = 0

Any hints or ideas?
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