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Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Download von exportierten Kursen ergeben eine 0 kb Datei


First of all sorry for my lack of german.

I also had this problem, but I've got it solved, it cames arround that xsendfile apache extension is not working for you, it can be several things:

First be sure that you have .htaccess enabled in your apache. (in detail: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/en/howto/htaccess.html)
But as a quickfix add this to your apache vhost config:

<Directory "/var/www/html/ilias">
    AllowOverride All

Then you have to tell xsendfile to enable your directories with XSendFilePath param, yours seem fine, but you may have the same problem I had, if you are using symbolic links in your directories, you have to add also an extra XSendFilePath param for your symbolic links.

For instance if your "/var/www/html/ilias" directory points via symbolic link to "/mnt/abigdisk/ilias" you have to add also "XSendFilePath /mnt/abigdisk/ilias" to your config.

If all this fails, there are a some shortcuts you can take to unblock the situation, for instance:
  1. Disabling xsendfile and using plain old php, not as optimized but it works. In order to do that copy the file Services/FileDelivery/classes/override.php.template to Services/FileDelivery/classes/override.php, and restart apache.

  2. Enable and configure xsendfile globally, ignoring .htaccess (carefull if you have something else in your apache as you will be enabling xsendfile there too). in order to do that, if you are running ubuntu, just create /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/xsendfile.conf with this content (with your directories):

XSendFile On
XSendFilePath /opt/ilias
XSendFilePath /opt/iliasdata

Good luck 


Plugins and Add-ons: ILIAS 5.4.4 WkhtmlToPdfRenderer-Plugin

to replace suspended PhantomJS we installed WkhtmlToPdfRenderer plugin for generating PDFs.
Then I tested the pdf export of detailed test results (questions and answers with checkboxes or radio buttons)
Unfortunately the output did not met my expectations. The pdf document shows only the checkboxes and radio buttons but not the text.
It looks like a font problem respectively a problem due to relative pathes for font families.
After copying fonts-folder from delos style (/var/www/html/ilias/templates/default/fonts) to ilias files (/var/lib/ilias/files/TestMandant/temp/fonts) it works now.
But from my point of view that workaround isn't a good one.
So is there a way to configure the font-path somewhere?
Do you have any other suggestion for a  smarter solution? Do you think there is some kind of problem in our installation?
Or is it a bug?

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards

Administration - Installation - Core: Advanced user search in Repository Objects - Organisational Units structure


Hello together,

First I would like to thank all good people who helped to make and run this project. 

I have one question about Advanced user search in Repository Objects. Here are several search fields you can use to find a user, between them search by Organisational Unit as well.

Somehow it is possible to see all Organisational Unit Tree in dropdown list, also the ones, which are not supposed to be visible according your role definition.

Fortunately, you are not able to see the users of another Organisational Unit; however, the all tree structure is visible. Is here any possibility to limit tree structure visibility only to own Organisational Unit?

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Create Template(skin) for Ilias


Could you please add some screenshot ?

Here are System Styles and Content Styles, where exactly you want to make your changes?

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Certificate creation fails (by Java Server)

Please check your ilias.ini.php if you have indicated your  Java path . Important also to know if you have Vesion 8 or 9 of Java. In our instalation it was also an issue of error message.

Administration - Installation - Core: ILIAS 5.4.4: a daily logfile?

is ILIAS able to create a daily logfile, maybe using date variables in
ILIAS Setup --> Basic Settings --> Logging --> Path to Log File

I tried linux notation like `date +"%Y%m%d"` but it dosn't work.
Any other ideas beside daily archiving and removing the log file using shell-script?


Administration - Installation - Core: Re: ILIAS 5.4.4: a daily logfile?

No, ILIAS does not support creating daily logfiles by itself. Have a look at logrotate for the classic solution for rotating (and potentially compressing) log files in Linux: https://linux.die.net/man/8/logrotate

Here is an example for a config file for logrotate (your path may be different):

/var/iliasdata/ilias/ilias.log {
rotate 7

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): ILIAS 5.4.4: a daily logfile?

Hi Robin,
Thank you very much for fast responding and for the hint itself of course;-)
Best Regards

Administration - Installation - Core: Who tried MariaDB 10.4.6 with TLS?

Is there someone here who has tried running ILIAS client with a TLS authentication to an offsite MariaDB Database?

I am wondering if I have some config issues, or ILIAS is not able to authenticate in that way.

If I disable the need to authenticate via x509 to the Database, its working.

If someone got that running, what have u done?

Administration - Installation - Core: Re(2): Create Template(skin) for Ilias


i want to insert a image in the top banner.
Thank you.


Administration - Installation - Core: Chat server and WAC problem in ILIAS 5.4

Hi all,

We're trying to get chat working on a ILIAS 5.4 instance that runs completely under ssl. Following Wolfgangs instructions (from bbs-ilias.de) we can have chat through http. The next step, with configuration of a proxy, gives us chat through https. Unfortunately a new problem arises. The WAC blocks the display of the smilies and other materials that have been uploaded in ILIAS. (media and files)
Uncommenting the WAC rule in .htaccess disables the check and all is displayed wel. Of course we can't have that in a production environment.

Anybody a suggestion where we should look for a solution? How does the chatserver (on the same instance) influence the WAC?

Plugins and Add-ons: ILIAS 5.4.4 WkhtmlToPdfRenderer-Plugin

is there anybody having the plugin up and running?

What is the correct installation path?
Installation instruction page on GitHub (https://github.com/DatabayAG/WkhtmlToPdfRenderer/blob/master/README.md) says: <ILIAS_DIRECTORY>/Customizing/global/plugins/Services/PDFGeneration/Renderer/WkhtmlToPdfRenderer
plugin overview page (https://docu.ilias.de/ilias.php?ref_id=3342&record_id=3142&tableview_id=1&cmd=renderRecord&cmdClass=ildcldetailedviewgui&cmdNode=uo:zz:100&baseClass=ilRepositoryGUI) says only "Services/PDFGeneration/Renderer/"
Is it just a abbreviation of the path above (Customizing/...) or does it mean: <ILIAS_DIRECTORY>/Services/PDFGeneration/Renderer/

Would it make any difference with regards to the problem described in my first posting?

Best regards

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Advanced user search in Repository Objects - Organisational Units structure


I managed to hide/blend out all Organisational Unit option from advanced user search in Repository Objects.

You can change it in:

Still hoping for indications about question above.

Thank you.

Administration - Installation - Core: Client Populate - Clone not possible - "Client has no MySQL Database"


I am currently trying to clone an existing client with all its content, but unfortunately, something is not working well. I don't know if it's a bug, or a misconfiguraiton.
I am using Ilias 5.4.3 and I tried MariaDB 10.2 + 10.4.6 + MySQL 5.7.

My Webserver has 2 Clients. 1x The Main Client with all Content and a new Client without Settings, but an existing database. Otherwise I cannot select the populate section without having a Database. So in total I have 2 Databases.

Unfortunately I receive the following message, but it cannot be true:

This function will overwrite the currently selected client with a copy of another.

Note that you can only populate clients that are disabled. Also, they cannot have 'master' in the name.
Currently, only MySQL is supported.

Warning! This cannot be undone! The client will be overwritten with the contents of the source you will select here!

Cloning is disabled for the following reason(s):
The client does not have MySQL database.

Some1 here who managed to clone a client?

THX Forward

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Download von exportierten Kursen ergeben eine 0 kb Datei

Hello, Andrés,

Thank you so much for your help!
I have tried every configuration.
Your suggestion to set xsendfile globally solved the problem. Run immediately...

Thank you!


Administration - Installation - Core: Reset Password - Active Directory

Hallo zusammen,

mal eine kurze Frage in die Runde... Unterstützt Ilias die Funktion, wenn eine Active Direcory benutzt wird, dass der Benutzer das Passwort beim nächsten Login ändern muss?

Oder wenn das Passwort abläuft?

Danke & Gruß

Hi everybody,

a quick question in the round... Does Ilias support the function, if an Active Directory is used, that the user has to change the password at the next login?
Or when the password expires?

Thank you & Greetings

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Reset Password - Active Directory

I'm not the expert and maybee I'm wrong, but I think such a function in ILIAS wouldn't make much sense. If you authenticate via ActiveDirectory ILIAS will not be responsible for managing the password. I assume  AD itself ist responsible for enforcing password policies.
Best regards

Plugins and Add-ons: ILIAS 5.4.4 WkhtmlToPdfRenderer-Plugin

First of all, thanks for the hint, the path in the plugin directory was wrong, I just corrected it.

Then secondly, there should not be a problem with the text in test objects, did you use the wkhtmltopdf package from your package manager or from the wkhtmltopdf website?
If you only run wkhtmltopdf on your console, what does the "Name" in the head say?

wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5 (with patched qt)

It should read like the above.

Plugins and Add-ons: ILIAS 5.4.4 WkhtmlToPdfRenderer-Plugin

So the plugin installation path should be ok.

Regarding wkhtmltopdf:
First of all it is wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5 (with patched qt)

We startet with wkhtmltopdf out of EPEL-Repository and run into some trouble with the installation path. It was installed in /usr/bin/. I tried to configure the installation path within the plugin but it failed. The plugin always looked for the wkhtmltopdf in /usr/local/bin. The path seems to be hardcoded somewhere - it seems to be another issue.
So we put a symlink into /usr/local/bin refering to /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf. Now we got aware of the wrong version without patched qt.
So we installed the mentioned version from wkhtmltopdf.org directly into /usr/local/bin, made some tests and got the pdf-results without any text.
We found the following messages in the log:

[4a500] [2019-07-29 11:27:02.299159] LernweltITSicherheit_root.DEBUG: ilWkhtmlToPdfRendererPlugin::runCommandLine:164 ilWebkitHtmlToPdfTransformer command line config:  --zoom 1 --enable-external-links --disable-forms --orientation Portrait --page-size A4 --javascript-delay 2000 --margin-bottom 0.5cm --margin-left 0.5cm --margin-right 2cm --margin-top 2cm --header-left "dies ist ein Testkopf" --header-center "" --header-right "" --header-line --quiet  /var/lib/ilias/files/LernweltITSicherheit/temp/tmp5d3ebbe41cb1a.html /var/lib/ilias/files/LernweltITSicherheit/temp/tmp5d3ebbe41cd6a.pdf 2>&1  

[4a500] [2019-07-29 11:27:02.299328] LernweltITSicherheit_root.DEBUG: ilWkhtmlToPdfRendererPlugin::runCommandLine:164 ilWebkitHtmlToPdfTransformer return value line 0 : Exit with code 1 due to network error: ContentNotFoundError 

Checking the temporary "source file" /var/lib/ilias/files/LernweltITSicherheit/temp/tmp5d3ebbe41cb1a.html (created by the plugin I assume) we found the following relative path in font-face statements:
  src: url('fonts/OpenSansWeb/OpenSans-Regular.woff2') format('woff2'), url('fonts/OpenSansWeb/OpenSans-Regular.woff') format('woff');
It looks like it is just taken from the default skins CSS (delos). The fonts folder is available within skin folder.

But so far as I know the relative path used in a html-file is relative to the path of html-file itself. But in /var/lib/ilias/files/LernweltITSicherheit/temp/ wasn't a fonts-folder available.
Thats why we copied it there from delos respectively from our own skin (doesn't matter I checked pdf-export with both skins).

In general it works now, but the workaround is not really that smart.
Do you have any suggestions?

Regards Andreas

Plugins and Add-ons: ILIAS 5.4.4 WkhtmlToPdfRenderer-Plugin

just to hopefully correct myself:
"... temporary "source file" /var/lib/ilias/files/LernweltITSicherheit/temp/tmp5d3ebbe41cb1a.html (created by the plugin I assume) ..."
The temporary html files are created probably by any ilias function not by the wkhtmlplugrenderer-plugin. They look very similar doesn't matter using PhantomJS or wkhtmltopdf. The font-face-statements contain relative pathes.

Neither PhantomJS nor wkhtmltopdf seem to be able to resolve the relative pathes and find fonts correctly. But while PhantomJS seems to fall back to some common fonts maybe taken from /usr/share/fonts (I saw DejaVuSans in pdf-file rendered) wkhtmltopdf seems not to do so.

Any suggestions?

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