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Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): [5.4.3] session.save_handler in php.ini must be configured to 'files'

Bin irgendwie auf Englisch geswitched.. Egal.

Aber wieso klappt das mit memcached unter PHP <7.0? In der alten Umgebung ging das ohne Probleme, mit der alten 5.2.5 in der neuen Umgebung kein Login im setup möglich. Und mit der neuen ILIAS-Version wird ja explizit darauf hingewiesen, dass session_handler files sein muss.

Ist das ein PHP-"Problem"?

Wieso benötigt das setup 'files' als session_handler? Und auch nur das setup (die Seite ansich funktioniert mit memcached - nur setup halt nicht)?


  • Ilias funktioniert mit memcached

  • wenn setup aufgerufen wird muss vorher auf 'files' umgestellt werden, danach wieder auf memcached umstellen

ILIAS Developers: Using ILIAS as REST/SOAP Backend only?

Hi Jackson,

I've been reading that article that you shared. But failed/not sure on how to do the request to ilias SOAP. For eg:



How to send the request to the SOAP? what parameter name and value that we need to insert?

Thank you

ILIAS Developers: Using ILIAS as REST/SOAP Backend only?


Unsure what language you're doing this in but the simplest example in PHP I could give you would be


You might have to get a package for soap in whatever language you're working in but the call should be the same.

Administration - Installation - Core: ILIAS 5.4.2 Link "Contact Technical Support" isn't available



If a user who has been deactivated by ilias (i.e. due to wrong password) tries to login again with wrong password he will be told:
"The user account has been deactivated due wrong login attempts."
So far so good, but:
If a user who has been deactivated by ilias (i.e. due to wrong password) still knows the correct password and tries to login again he will be told:
"Your user account has been deactivated due too many failed login attempts. Click 'Contact Technical Support' at the footer of this page to notify the administrator about the need to re-activate your account."

But the link "Contact Technical Support" isn't available in page footer. 

If the admin now configures the "Technical Support user" (Administration --> General Settings --> Contact Information --> Technical Support) the link "Contact Technical Support" will appear in footer too.
But it seems it is not working as long as I don't enable "Anonymous Access" 

What do you think, is this a misconfiguration in my ilias mandant or maybe a bug?
My expectation: If a technical support user hasn't been configured there should not be any message refering the user to a "missing link".  

Best regards


Administration - Installation - Core: Re: ILIAS 5.4.2 Link "Contact Technical Support" isn't available

I'd say they (who wrote the message) wanted to help real users kindly and simply didn't know, that there are installations without contact information.
You could give the authors a hint:

I guess they will adapt the message and not change the code.

Administration - Installation - Core: data folder in multiple VMs with load balancer


We try to setup the ILIAS with 1 Load Balancer (LB) and 3 application server (VM1, VM2, VM3), 1 database server. 

We have setup lyscnd to do folder sync but this only work 1 one way (master to slave, VM1 to VM2 and VM3). Meanwhile, if the LMS user use VM2 and VM3 then the file that they upload like video in mediacast module will not be sync to other server. Whilst, we can't change the ilias/data folder to be outside of the ilias parent folder in /var/www/html because the link, for example video mediacast, the link to the video will be using http protocol for eg:


In this case, I dont think NFS can help, because NFS not accessible via http

Please share with me on how to achive the ILIAS installation with multiple VMs.

Thank you

ILIAS Developers: Using ILIAS as REST/SOAP Backend only?

Oh I see. So there is no open API for ilias yet? so that the client no need to develop anything but only do request from http with some parameters?



Thank you

ILIAS Developers: Using ILIAS as REST/SOAP Backend only?


You seem to look for a REST API, which is available as a plugin here. Both cases are open APIs and in both cases you need to develop a client, either SOAP or REST.

ILIAS Developers: Using ILIAS as REST/SOAP Backend only?

Hi Alex,

We will try that plugin. Thank you so much for the direction.

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: data folder in multiple VMs with load balancer

Zitat (yvthulek)

Please share with me on how to achive the ILIAS installation with multiple VMs.

 Just a thought if no one presents his/her setting:
In the Special Interest Group "Performance" are some best practice configurations of institutions listed:
https://docu.ilias.de/goto_docu_grp_5178.html ("best practice" and "performance wiki")
Maybe you'll find some settings similar to your goal and you can adapt. I know there are some with loadbalancer.

Good luck!

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): ILIAS 5.4.2 Link "Contact Technical Support" isn't available

Administration - Installation - Core: Re(2): data folder in multiple VMs with load balancer

Hi Alix,

Thanks for the direction. I've go to the SIG group and found the idea that the solution is using the NFS. We have tried this after read that forum and successful. 1 load balancer, 3 VMs of ilias, 1 DB, 1 NFS.

so the external and internal data in ilias all will be stored in NFS. Then mount that two folders to all VMs as a path to internal and external data required by ilias (in ilias.ini.php).

Thank you again

Administration - Installation - Core: Re(3): data folder in multiple VMs with load balancer

Administration - Installation - Core: Ilias 5.4.0 and o365 authentication

is it possible set Ilias authentication from o365 user database?

Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Ilias 5.4.0 and o365 authentication

Administration - Installation - Core: Behaviour of ECS Task Scheduler


I made a copy of our ILIAS production environment containing lots of remote ECS courses and connected this copy with a new ECS server. Now in ilias.log I see an ECS task scheduler obviously deleting obsolete remote courses and their references:

[u17j9] [2019-07-18 17:10:44.771898] ecampus_root.INFO: ilRemoteObjectBase::handleDelete:272 ilRemoteObjectBase::handleDelete: Deleting obsolete remote course: Graduiertenkolleg 1878 "Archäologie vormoderner Wirtschaftsräume"
[u17j9] [2019-07-18 17:10:44.772784] ecampus_root.INFO: ilObject::delete:218 ilObject::delete(), object not deleted, number of references: 3, obj_id: 757970, type: rcrs, title: Graduiertenkolleg 1878 "Archäologie vormoderner Wirtschaftsräume"

Is this some sort of "garbage collector" deleting ECS courses imported from an ECS server not known to ILIAS anymore? When and how is it triggered?

It would be nice if someone could explain what is going on behind the scenes in this case. When this scheduler is running, calling any ILIAS page leads to the error message "ilTree::getNodeData(): No node_id given!" and you'll have to go back to the repository - which is not very nice behaviour ;-)

Best regards

Plugins and Add-ons: Compatibility with ILIAS 5.4?


we are planning to upgrade our ILIAS to version 5.4.3. this summer. At the same time we would like to integrate a web conferencing system in our eLearning infrastructure. A seamless integration in our LMS would be very nice so BBB might be a good choice.
Is this plugin still supported? Will it work with ILIAS 5.4.3?


Administration - Installation - Core: Ilias System bei Microsoft Azure

Hallo zusammen,

wir überlegen derzeit, ein Ilias bei Microsoft in der Azure Cloud als App-Service (Web-App) mit einer Azure SQL Datenbank aufzusetzen.
Ist das möglich und hat hier vielleicht auch schon jemand Erfahrungen gesammelt oder wie schaut sowas aus?

Freundliche Grüße

Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): Zugriffsstatistiken und Lernfortschritt -> Statistik -> Nutzungsintensität - keine Benutzer Statistik

came across the same problem. It doesn't seem so important to other users.
Anyway, now there is a ticket in mantis: https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=25797

Administration - Installation - Core: Dateien aus dem Papierkorb wiederherstellen / Restoring files from recycle bin


English version below.


Ich bin neu im Forum und tue meine ersten Schritte mit ILIAS, indem ich dessen Möglichkeiten austeste. Ich hoffe, ich bin für mein Problem nun im richtigen Forum gelandet.

Die Suchfunktion hat nicht ganz mein Problem getroffen, also denke ich, daß ich vielleicht etwas falsch mache.

Ich hatte im Magazin einen kleinen Lernpfad (Lernsequenz) und ein Lernmodul erstellt. Außerdem habe ich danach einen Kurs angelegt, in den ich den Lernpfad und das Lernmodul reinkopiert habe. Da mir das nicht gefiel, was ich getan hatte, habe ich aus dem Kurs kurzerhand das Lernmodul und den Lernpfad gelöscht. Merkwürdigerweise wurden nicht nur die Kopien gelöscht, sondern auch die im Magazin erstellten Originaldateien. 

Kein Problem, dachte ich mir, schaust in den Papierkorb und stellst Lernmodul und Lernsequenz wieder her. Ich wähle also beide Dateien aus und wähle "wiederherstellen" und klicke auf "ausführen".

Fehlermeldung: "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable"

Nun bin ich mit meiner Weisheit am Ende. Was kann ich nun tun, um die Dateien wiederherzustellen?

Für einen Tip wäre ich dankbar.

Herzlichen Dank im voraus und viele Grüße,

English version:


I am new to the forum and am taking my first steps with ILIAS by testing its capabilities. I hope I have chosen the right forum for my problem.

The search function didn't quite hit my problem, so I think it is me doing something wrong.

I had created a small learning path and a learning module in the magazine. I also created a course, into which I copied the learning path and the learning module. Since I didn't like what I had done, I deleted the learning module and the learning path from the course without further ado. Strangely enough, not only the copies were deleted, but also the original files created in the magazine.

No problem, I thought to myself, look into the trash and restore the learning module and learning sequence. So I select both files and select "Restore" and click on "Execute".

Error message: "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable"

Now I am at the end of my wisdom. What can I do now to recover the files?

I would be grateful for a tip.

Many thanks in advance!


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