Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
Hallo zusammen,
bin relativ neu mit Ilias im einsatz. Habe dazu mir eine Testumgebung aufgebaut um einiges zu testen.
Soweit klappt auch alles, nur leider habe ich ein Problem beim Download von Dateien.
Jegliche Dateien die ich hoch lade können nicht herunter geladen werden, bzw sind nur 0 KB groß.
In Ilias selbst sind diese in der richtigen Größe sichtbar. Vorschau klappt, allerdings nur kein Download.
Habe mir dann mal die Berechtigung in dem Ordner "Data" angeschaut, die stehen auf 755.
Wenn ich den Dateiexplorer zum Test aktivere bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung bezüglich Java:
Java Plug-in is not supported. Habe allerdings sschon verschiedene Java Versionen ausprobiert, sowei verschiedene Browser.
Leider immer der geliche Fehler.
Was mache ich falsch oder habe ich falsch konfiguriert?
<Directory /var/www/html/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
AllowOverride All
I'm working on some Ilias architecture and I was looking for documentation to help me determine how many Apache Front-End Apache i should use to avoid performance issue.
I know the best way to find out is to do some load tests with a tool like Jmeter but is there some rule of thumb i could use to start.
Something like "you should have 1 front-end for 100 simultaneous users".
Thanks for your help
Hi pmarie,
we have an installation with 5 MVs (on VMware) as fronts that support up to 1000 concurrent users. To do this, we have a balancer F5 that distributes the load between said fronts. Unless some expert of the forum in the matter says otherwise, the main limitations will be the type of Web Server deployed (eg Apache, Nginx, ....) and the way PHP is used (FastCGI Process, ....) which will determine the RAM requirements for each virtual machine by number of users. To improve the performance and therefore the number of concurrent users who can access your infrastructure, another point to consider is the optimization of the Database (both at the level of performance improvement by HW -disks SSD, RAM, ...- as to the level of improvement in the use of indexes, optimization of ILIAS queries, ....).
Step 5336 seems to be adding the 'first_login' field to the usr_data table and then populating previous records with the date.
Assumedly the speed of this would be directly tied to the amount of users / objects you have in the system. Just my two cents, will be upgrading to 5.4 in the near future so will come back with my findings there too.