Administration - Installation - Core: Re (2): blank page in Ilias setup...
No there are no errors unfortunately
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Abandon (experimental) Postgres Support
Dear AdminsWe (technical board) would like to use this opportunity to announce that support for postgres will be discontinued with ILIAS 8. If you have any objections or if someone would like to take...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: New problem when running the migration...
The answer of MANTIS Support is :I think the update step 5251 was added in ILIAS 5.4 for migrate org unit default positions (which may exists always no matter using...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: ILIAS 5 - Lernfortschritt nachträglich...
Hallo,ich habe in einem anderen selbst erstellen LMS bereits Lernfortschritte für verschiedenen Ausbildungen.Diese sollen nun in ILIAS übertragen werden, so dass die Nutzer die Ausbildungen nicht ein...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): blank page in Ilias setup...
My problem is solved. Well after Ilias 6 it became a habit to install mysql 8 which is not supported of course..Switched back to 5.5 and now it works like a charm. Silly mistake
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: ILIAS Technical Board looking for UI/UX/A11y-Experts
Dear all,after the approval at the Jour fixe of the ILIAS Society [1] of the Accessibility Process [2] and the Expansion of the UI/UX-Expert-Group to a UI/UX/A11y Expert Group [3] the Technical Board...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): Re (2): to whom it concerns /...
Just remove the phantomjs Ubuntu Package.Install the latetest phantomjs version from to /usr/local/bin/phantomjsSet the "Path" within Ilias to: /usr/local/bin/phantomjs
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re (2): master password lost!
This was exactly the right thing to do! Wonderful!Thank you for your help.
View ArticleDidactic Template Forum: To create template for specific course allocation...
I am pretty new to Didactic Template. Please advise how to create template for following sicario. 50 to 100 users in every hundreds of courses.Allocate every user to specified courses.View assigned...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Finish Test error.
Hi, is there a solution?I have the same problem.It is unfortunate, having a error after a test!So, help be much appreciated.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: error on test module
I have the same problem. Anyone has a fix?This is a major problem. You do not want that after a test.I really hope ilias will geht a new test module soon.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: up to date?
are your ilias installs up to date? I notice some bugfixes were made in these files in the 5.4 branch a few weeks back.
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Upgrade ILIAS 6.8 without Git to 7.0
Hey guys! We are using ILIAS 6.8 (started with 5.4) with PHP 7.3. I see that ILIAS 7 was released. I want to upgrade to this version. The installation is manually created without git by another teacher...
View ArticleDidactic Template Forum: To create template for specific course allocation...
Hi,I'm afraid those purposes cannot be tackled by means of Didactic Templates.All you can do is to automate changes to the permissions in an object..Florian
View ArticleDidactic Template Forum: To create template for specific course allocation...
Hi Florian, For user assignment of specific course by administrator may take sometimes complicated if lots of courses are waiting for. My expectation to Didactic Template helps course allocation, that...
View ArticleAdministration - Installation - Core: Re: Upgrade ILIAS 6.8 without Git to 7.0
Zitat (Dennis1993) I updated in March the version 5 to 6 by copying the new files to the server and copy the data folder and config file. This is the correct way to do it without using git. So far so...
View ArticleJobs and User Communities: Offene Stelle im Projekt an der FH...
An der Fachhochschule Bielefeld ist zum nächst möglichen Zeitpunkt eine volle Stelle als "Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter*in zur Umsetzung des Teilprojektes „Technik und Entwicklung“ im Verbundprojekt...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Plugin not working for Ilias 7?
Hi all,I just tried to get the LTI plugin (ExternalContent) working for Ilias 7 by setting the max version to 7.999.999 but it doesn't even show up in the plugin list. This plugin is recognized by the...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: LTI plugin for Ilias 6.x not propagating the result to...
Hi Fred,I opened an issue on github regarding the LTI plugin not propagating its result tot the parent Course. I have set the Course's Learning Progress option Status is Determined by a Collection of...
View ArticlePlugins and Add-ons: Officedokumente einbinden - cryptpad oder...
Hallo Martin,hab gerade gesehn, dass OnlyOffice wohl sein Preissystem aktualisiert hat, ich bilde mir ein, dass das für nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung bis vor kurzem noch komplett frei war?Viele GrüßeRoland
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