Please could someone help us with ILIAS version update - currently we are using 5.3.13 version and as it will not be supported in future we would like to update it to 5.4.22 but we face some problems.
Our technicians get errors (maybe we need to update with some small steps like just couple of version steps, not to jump so high to 5.4.22 version, maybe someone went through the same issues or have an advice - thank you in addvance):
[Sun Jul 25 18:15:08 2021] [notice] [client] Uncaught Error: Class 'ilRandom' not found in /home/www/\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/www/ ilErrorHandling->{closure}(Object(Error), Object(Whoops\\Exception\\Inspector), Object(Whoops\\Run))\n#1 /home/www/ Whoops\\Handler\\CallbackHandler->handle()\n#2 /home/www/ ilDelegatingHandler->handle(Object(Error))\n#3 [internal function]: Whoops\\Run->handleException(Object(Error))\n#4 {main}\n thrown
[Sun Jul 25 18:15:08 2021] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'ilRandom' not found in /home/www/\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/www/ ilErrorHandling->{closure}(Object(Whoops\\Exception\\ErrorException), Object(Whoops\\Exception\\Inspector), Object(Whoops\\Run))\n#1 /home/www/ Whoops\\Handler\\CallbackHandler->handle()\n#2 /home/www/ ilDelegatingHandler->handle(Object(Whoops\\Exception\\ErrorException))\n#3 /home/www/ Whoops\\Run->handleException(Object(Whoops\\Exception\\ErrorException))\n#4 /home/www/ Whoops\\Run->handleError(1, 'Uncaught Error:...', '/home/www/adl.k...', 353)\n#5 [internal function]: Whoops\\Run->handleShutdown()\n#6 {main}\n thrown in /home/www/ on line 353