Die aktuellste Docu für die Installation und Upgrade auf ILIAS 7 findest du hier: https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/release_7/docs/configuration/install.md#upgrading-ilias .
Zu deinem Fehler, was ist der Inhalt deines ilias.ini.php File? dort sollte es eine Sektion *Client* geben, sieht irgendwie so aus:
path = "path_To_Your_ILIAS_WEB_DIR_something_like_data"
inifile = "name_of_your_client_ini_file_something_like_client.ini.php"
datadir = "path_To_Your_ILIAS_DIR_OUTSIDE_WEB_something_like_/ilias/lib"
Do the respective folders exist? Does the client exist (is the folder with the client linked into the ILIAS repo if, e.g. stored on an nfs or alike)?
Zu deinem Fehler, was ist der Inhalt deines ilias.ini.php File? dort sollte es eine Sektion *Client* geben, sieht irgendwie so aus:
path = "path_To_Your_ILIAS_WEB_DIR_something_like_data"
inifile = "name_of_your_client_ini_file_something_like_client.ini.php"
datadir = "path_To_Your_ILIAS_DIR_OUTSIDE_WEB_something_like_/ilias/lib"
Do the respective folders exist? Does the client exist (is the folder with the client linked into the ILIAS repo if, e.g. stored on an nfs or alike)?