I upgraded our test system from 5.4.21 to 6.9 (PHP 7.2) and now I cannot login to ILIAS anymore.
I get a white page with the message: "context 'external' already claimed in ilInitialisation:1305, second try in"
However, the setup page is still accessible.
The ilias error log says "ERROR: Can't find target class ilderivedtasksgui"
The upgrade was done in ilias base dir with the steps:
git fetch
git checkout release_6
sudo composer install --no-dev
Then I upgraded the database, which took some time but seemed to be successful, and applied the hotfixes.
Has any one else seen this problem before? I have already created an entry in mantis: 0030712
Best regards,
I upgraded our test system from 5.4.21 to 6.9 (PHP 7.2) and now I cannot login to ILIAS anymore.
I get a white page with the message: "context 'external' already claimed in ilInitialisation:1305, second try in"
However, the setup page is still accessible.
The ilias error log says "ERROR: Can't find target class ilderivedtasksgui"
The upgrade was done in ilias base dir with the steps:
git fetch
git checkout release_6
sudo composer install --no-dev
Then I upgraded the database, which took some time but seemed to be successful, and applied the hotfixes.
Has any one else seen this problem before? I have already created an entry in mantis: 0030712
Best regards,