When editing my custom style, there is an error-message when trying to compile style. Administration > Layout > Less
-Compilation of less failed: [31mSyntaxError: Operation on an invalid type[39m[31m in [39m/var/www/vhosts/******/src/UI/templates/default/Symbol/avatar.less[90m on line 56, column 3:[39m [90m55 }[39m 56 [7m[31m[1m.[22mavatar-color-variant();[39m[27m [90m57 }[39m[0m[0m -
The changes to the colors are not being saved. Any idea what this could be?
-Compilation of less failed: [31mSyntaxError: Operation on an invalid type[39m[31m in [39m/var/www/vhosts/******/src/UI/templates/default/Symbol/avatar.less[90m on line 56, column 3:[39m [90m55 }[39m 56 [7m[31m[1m.[22mavatar-color-variant();[39m[27m [90m57 }[39m[0m[0m -
The changes to the colors are not being saved. Any idea what this could be?