is there any solution in Ilias 5.2+ to map alpha-numeric role/department ID strings to Ilias
role- or department-IDs when a new user logs in via SOAP-SSO (e.g the authenticating SOAP server
provides strings like 'AD0815' which have to be mapped to Ilias numeric role- or department IDs)?
Is it possible to have multiple numeric Ilias role/department IDs in the role/department "xsd:string"?
is there any solution in Ilias 5.2+ to map alpha-numeric role/department ID strings to Ilias
role- or department-IDs when a new user logs in via SOAP-SSO (e.g the authenticating SOAP server
provides strings like 'AD0815' which have to be mapped to Ilias numeric role- or department IDs)?
Is it possible to have multiple numeric Ilias role/department IDs in the role/department "xsd:string"?