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Administration - Installation - Core: Re: Re (2): Re (2): Lucene search problem: write lock

Because I changed loglevel to DEBUG, I got this:

2020-12-22 10:34:49,825 INFO  XML-RPC-1 (RPCSearchHandler.java:89) - Query is:    +(Protokoll*)

2020-12-22 10:34:49,825 DEBUG XML-RPC-1 (ClientSettings.java:79) - Using client key iliasschoolmaster_8484

2020-12-22 10:34:49,826 WARN  XML-RPC-1 (RPCSearchHandler.java:158) - org.apache.lucene.index.IndexNotFoundException: no segments* file found in MMapDirectory@/opt/iliasdata/lucene/iliasschoolmaster_8484 lockFactory=org.apache.lucene.store.NativeFSLockFactory@fb87ea6: files: [_m.fdt, _m.fdx, _n.fdt, _n.fdx, _o.fdt, _o.fdx, write.lock]

That means, that the entry "no segments* file found" is caused by a search query I did in ILIAS, in this case the word "Protokoll". This just means, that these are the files in the index directory:  files: [_m.fdt, _m.fdx, _n.fdt, _n.fdx, _o.fdt, _o.fdx, write.lock]  - and mybe there is missing a segments file. And this is obviously realy the problem! The index directory of another client looks like this:

_0_1.liv  _0.cfe  _0.cfs  _0.si  _1_1.liv  _1.cfe  _1.cfs  _1.si  _2.cfe  _2.cfs  _2.si  segments_3  write.lock

So, " segments_3" is the index file. On the other hand, the client with the lucene probvlems has only this content in his search folder:

_m.fdt  _m.fdx  _n.fdt  _n.fdx  _o.fdt  _o.fdx  write.lock

So, the problem is the missing index file "segments_*". This can be said to be sure. But what is the cause of that?

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