Hi Whoami!
Did you use the latest tutorial? Because I use Ubuntu 18.04 with PHP 7.2: https://bbs-ilias.de/ilias/goto.php?target=pg_100_187&client_id=info
Your link above does not work, because its a dynamic link. The statics can be found in the footer or registercard "info".
I have composer included in my Installation. I install it via apt. And this works on my own site bbs-ilias.de.
However, any help to get a better tutorial is welcome! Yesterday, I updated the apache-tuning section.
Best regards,
Did you use the latest tutorial? Because I use Ubuntu 18.04 with PHP 7.2: https://bbs-ilias.de/ilias/goto.php?target=pg_100_187&client_id=info
Your link above does not work, because its a dynamic link. The statics can be found in the footer or registercard "info".
I have composer included in my Installation. I install it via apt. And this works on my own site bbs-ilias.de.
However, any help to get a better tutorial is welcome! Yesterday, I updated the apache-tuning section.
Best regards,