At our university we have significant performance issues with the ILIAS instance. Students and teachers are complaining about insupportable page load times.
Our debugging indicates that we are not suffering from hardware issues (the server might suffer from being bored, at most, and network bandwith is available more than plenty).
The only suspicious behaviour our administrator observed in the server logs was a surprisingly large amount of web requests to0the chat GUI (the likes of GET /ilias.php?baseClass=ilObjChatroomGUI&cmd=getOSDNotifications&cmdMode=asynch&max_age=20 HTTP/1.1" 200 535 "https://servername.tld/ilias.php?baseClass=ilLinkResourceHandlerGUI&ref_id=26358&cmd=infoScreen" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;
Since we don't have a chat server installed and deactivated the function completely we don't see why the clients should be polling the chat server at all. If the behaviour is actually what we suspect this looks suspiciously like a bug.
Has anybody seen behaviour like this? And even if not do you have an idea if this could be the cause for our front-end performance problems?
Our debugging indicates that we are not suffering from hardware issues (the server might suffer from being bored, at most, and network bandwith is available more than plenty).
The only suspicious behaviour our administrator observed in the server logs was a surprisingly large amount of web requests to0the chat GUI (the likes of GET /ilias.php?baseClass=ilObjChatroomGUI&cmd=getOSDNotifications&cmdMode=asynch&max_age=20 HTTP/1.1" 200 535 "https://servername.tld/ilias.php?baseClass=ilLinkResourceHandlerGUI&ref_id=26358&cmd=infoScreen" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;
Since we don't have a chat server installed and deactivated the function completely we don't see why the clients should be polling the chat server at all. If the behaviour is actually what we suspect this looks suspiciously like a bug.
Has anybody seen behaviour like this? And even if not do you have an idea if this could be the cause for our front-end performance problems?