Ich habe ILIAS kürzlich auf 5.4.2 aktualisiert, das Update verlief reibungslos und es gab keine Probleme, jetzt jedoch verursacht das Kopieren eines Kurses einen Fehler. Ich habe den Stack-Trace unten aufgenommen.
Ich habe die Berechtigungen überprüft und es gibt keine Probleme damit.
Ich benutze ILIAS seit 2015 und hatte noch nie zuvor ein derartiges Problem.
Jede Hilfe wäre sehr dankbar.
I have recently updated ILIAS to 5.4.2, the update went smoothly and there were no issues, however, now when copying a course causes an error. I have included the Stack Trace below.
I have checked permissions and there are no issues with that.
I have been using ILIAS since 2015 and have not had an issue like this before so I am a bit lost as to what to do.
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.003013] root_wsrv.DEBUG: ilSoapClient::init:683 Using wsdl: https://training.chelmsfordstar.coop/webservice/soap/server.php?wsdl
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.003077] root_wsrv.DEBUG: ilSoapClient::init:683 Using connection timeout: 10
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.003121] root_wsrv.DEBUG: ilSoapClient::init:683 Using response timeout: 5
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.003160] root_wsrv.DEBUG: ilSoapClient::setSocketTimeout:149 Default socket timeout is: 60
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.003195] root_wsrv.DEBUG: ilSoapClient::setSocketTimeout:149 WSDL mode, using socket timeout: 10
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.044098] root_wsrv.WARNING: ilSoapClient::init:683 Soap init failed with message: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https://training.chelmsfordstar.coop/webservice/soap/server.php?wsdl' : failed to load external entity "https://training.chelmsfordstar.coop/webservice/soap/server.php?wsdl"
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.044244] root_wsrv.DEBUG: ilSoapClient::resetSocketTimeout:167 Restoring default socket timeout to: 60
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.044289] root_obj.WARNING: ilContainer::cloneAllObject:1295 SOAP clone call failed. Calling clone method manually
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.044923] root_root.ERROR: ilErrorHandling::{closure}:50 2 include_once(./webservice/soap/include/inc.soap_functions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/Services/Container/classes/class.ilContainer.php:693
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.106952] root_auth.DEBUG: ilAuthSession::init:1110 Resuming old session for user: 6
[8ngfb] [2019-06-06 05:25:42.110684] root_init.DEBUG: ilUserRequestTargetAdjustment::adjust:1638 ilUserRequestTargetAdjustment already passed in the current user session.